[h323plus] H323-SIP Gateway with H264 Support

chr_bc chr_bc at 163.com
Wed Mar 14 08:46:06 EDT 2012

you can use the latest version of opal. Its plugin contains H.263,H.263+,and H.264. I also work on h323-sip gateway. And it really works well!

At 2012-03-14 01:04:50,"Diego Carvalho" <diego.cdomingos2010 at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm working on a h323-sip gateway with video (H264) support and I'm facing some problems. I'm new with H323plus and with h323 protocol itself (I'm learning as I go) so excuse me if I say something stupid.
First of all, I believe that the stack can be used to build a gateway but it seems that it's more focused on terminals. Am I right? So is it possible or not to build a gateway using it?
Second, there is no native support for H264. The documentation shows the class hierarchy. For audio we have, for instance, H323Cabability -> H323RealTimeCapability -> H323AudioCapability -> H323_G711Cabability but we don't have H323Cabability -> H323RealTimeCapability -> H323VideoCapability -> H323_H264Cabability. I tried to create this one, extending from H323Cabability -> H323RealTimeCapability -> H323VideoCapability -> H323GenericVideoCabability and then I discovered that I would need to override a function called CreateCodec to return a codec that handles the video. But I don't want to handle the RTP media. I just want to put H264 in the terminal capability set and establish a connection in a way that the H323 and SIP terminals can exchange the media directly. I've heard about a H264 plugin but it seems that it is for handling the media, so I don't know if it fits my purpose. How can I achieve this? Is there any plan to support H264 natively on H323plus? Also I need to get the remote RTP port. The only way I found to do this is trough H323Connection::OnStartLocicalChannel but this is called after a channel to handle the data is created and again, I don't want to handle the RTP data. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
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