[H.323 Mobility:] A new editor's draft H.323 Annex H

Hi all, I have uploaded the new editor's draft H.323 Annex H to the URL: ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming/Mobility-AHG/ I suggest that we go through the changes I have made in tomorrow's teleconference. I'm sorry that I haven't responded to any messages recently, but working with the draft took a bit more of my time than I expected, so I simply haven't had the time. I will try to read all the messages through tomorrow and hopefully answer to some. And now I'm off to watch Finland demolish the poor Norwegians in the ice-hockey world championships... ------------------------------------------------ Jaakko Sundquist * +358 50 3598281 * Audere est Facere! jaakko.sundquist@nokia.com * ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com
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Jaakko Sundquist