Q12-14/16 Rapporteur meeting on 9-10 November

To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Q.12/16, Q.13/16 and Q.14/16 Cc Mr. P-A. Probst, Chairman of SG16 Mr. G. Helder, Vice-Chairman of SG16 Mr. F. Tosco, Chairman of WP2/16 Mr. F. Bigi, ITU-TSB De Sakae OKUBO Rapporteur for Q.12/16 in ITU-T SG16 TAO Waseda Research Center 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 3204 8194 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 E-mail: okubo@giti.or.jp Dale SKRAN Rapporteur for Q.13/16 in ITU-T SG16 Sonus Networks Suite 3500, 4400 Route 9 South Freehold, NJ 07748 USA Tel: +1 732 625 3003, x202 Fax: E-mail: dskran@sonusnet.com Glen FREUNDLICH Rapporteur for Q.14/16 in ITU-T SG16 Avaya Communication 1300 W. 120th Avenue Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA Tel: +1 303 538 2899 Fax: +1 303 538 3907 E-mail: ggf@avaya.com ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Notice of Q.12-14/16 Rapporteur Meeting in Geneva Date: 6 October 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Q.12-14/16 experts, The subject meeting of ITU-T SG16 experts will be held in Geneva, Switzerland hosted by ITU-TSB. Please note that this Rapporteur meeting is held in advance of the SG16 meeting during 13-17 November 2000, but the two meetings are managed separately. This notice is only concerned with the Rapporteur meeting during 9-10 November. For the SG16 meeting, separate participation procedures are applied as in TSB Collective-letter 10/16 <http://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-t/com16/coll/010_ww9.doc> even if the two meeting are held at the same ITU premises. Please also note that non-ITU-T members may attend this Rapporteur meeting, but such attendees are requested to contact one of the rapporteurs. Procedures for contribution from a non-ITU-T member are described below in section 4, item 3. 1. Date ^^^^^^^ 9 (Thursday) - 10 (Friday) November 2000 starting at 9:00 on the first day closing at around 18:00 on the final day 2. Venue ^^^^^^^^ ITU headquarters Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 GENEVE, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 51 11 Fax: +41 22 733 72 56 <http://www.itu.int/aboutitu/reachitu.html> Detailed information concerning the meeting rooms will be displayed on screens at the entrances to ITU headquarters. 3. Topics (tentative) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) Review of the relevant group meetings 2) Q.12/16 B-ISDN multimedia systems and terminals - Work with Q.13 on high quality video transmission over IP - Future AV communication systems 3) Q.13/16 Packet switched multimedia systems and terminals - Inputs for the SG16 decision/approval * H.323 Implementor's Guide * Other TDs - Toward determination at the SG16 meeting: * H.323 Annex H (User, Service, and Terminal Mobility in H.323) * H.323 Annex I (Packet based MM Telephony over Error Prone Channels) * H.450.10 (Call Offer Supplementary Services) * H.450.11 (Call Intrusion) * H.450.12 (Common Information Additional Network) * H.225.0 Annex G V2 (Inter-domain) * H.323 Annex R (Robustness) * H.323 Annex M.3 (DSS1 Tunneling) - Progress work for: * H.323 Annex N (QoS) * H.323 Annex O (Internet protocols and technologies complementary to H.323) * H.323 Annex P (Modem Relay) * Other new items that may arise 4) Q.14/16 Common protocols, MCUs and protocols for interworking with H.300-series terminals - Inputs for the SG16 decision/approval * H.248 Implementor's Guide * Other TDs - Toward determination in November: * H.248 Annex L * H.248 Annex M - Progress work for: * H.235 V3 * H.235 Annex F * H.235 Annex G * H.245 V8 * H.246 Annex D * H.248 V2 * H.341 V2 * other new items that may arise (e.g., new packages for H.248) 5) Interaction with other groups 4. Documents ^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// Registration of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 30 October /// /// Distribution of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 2 November /// /// Use the ftp site (or e-mail reflector) for distribution /// 1) When you are going to submit a document, please notify S. Okubo(okubo@giti.or.jp) as soon as possible, by 23:59 UTC, Monday 30 October at the latest. Document number (APC-nnnn) will be allocated. Early indication of your submission plan is welcome and encouraged. Please submit all the Delayed Contributions and TDs for the SG16 meeting(13-17 November), except for White Contributions, also to this Rapporteur meeting (9-10 November) Note - Prefix "APC" comes from Atm (Q.12/16), Packet based (Q.13/16) and Common protocols (Q.14/16) based on the coordination with Q.1 ("Q1City"), Q.3 ("T120"), Q.11 ("Q11"), Q.15 ("Q15") groups. 2) You are advised to include a header as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Document APC-{nnnn}| | Study Group 16 {Version m if relevant}| | Q.12-14/16 Rapporteur Meeting {Date}| | Geneva, 9-10 November 2000 | | | | SOURCE*: { } | | TITLE : { } | | PURPOSE: {Proposal, Discussion, Information, Report, etc.} | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | | | *Contact: Name, e-mail | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) If you are a non-ITU-T member and will contribute by submitting a document, please consult with one of the rapporteurs. (Note - Procedures are to be clarified after consultation with ITU-TSB.) 4) All the contributors are requested to distribute their documents as early as possible, at least 7 calendar days in advance of the meeting(23:59 UTC, Thursday 2 November or before) by posting them at either of the following: - PictureTel ftp site (please advise S. Okubo of your posting) Site: standard.pictel.com/avc-site Login name: anonymous Directory: Incoming - Q.12-14/16 experts reflector e-mail address: itu-sg16@mailbag.intel.com Please avoid the use of reflector when your document is voluminous. 5) Input documents can be retrieved from /0011_Gen directory of the ftp site. 6) The document distribution / presentation at the meeting will be all electronic. Participants must bring along their laptop, 10BASE-T card and cord. 7) The copying service is very limited at the meeting site. 5. Registration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To register your meeting attendance, please send the attached form to S Okubo (okubo@giti.or.jp) by 26 October 2000 by e-mail, with copy to dskran@sonusnet.com, ggf@avaya.com. 6. Hotel Room Reservation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please find a hotel yourself. For your information, a hotel confirmation form is attached to this meeting notice (see TSB Circular 259 of 10 March 2000 for the list of hotels<http://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-t/circ/circ5/259.html>). We are looking forward to meeting with you in Geneva. Sincerely yours, Sakae OKUBO Dale SKRAN Glen FREUNDLICH ---------- Registration form for the Q12-14/16 Rapporteur meeting 9-10 November 2000 Geneva 1. Mr. Mrs. Miss: ___________ Family Name: ______________________________________________ First Name: ______________________________________________ 2. Country: ______________________________________________ 3. Organization: ______________________________________________ 4. ITU-T member (yes/no) ___________________ 5. Official address: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Fax: _______________________ E-mail: _______________________ ---------- Attachment: Annex 3 to TSB Collective-letter 10/16
participants (1)