Megaco/H.gcp call May 11/99 Minutes

Below are the minutes for the call May 11th - please let me know if I have missed anything, or not captured what you think happened. Nancy -------------------------------- Minutes of Megaco/H.gcp call May 11/99 10am-12pm ET Participants from both the IETF Megaco WG, and ITU SG16 were present on the call. A total of 20 people called in (I am listing them here - some names are missing, and some are probably spelled wrong..): Radika Roy, Brian Rosen, Nancy Greene, John Segers, Paul Sijben, Mike Buckley, Tom Taylor, Bryan Hill, Glen Freundlich, Rich Ruben, Mike Brown, Hong Liu, and about 9 others. Results are summarized here, and are open for discussion on the mailing lists. (Actions are prefaced by **.) Results: ----------- 1) Procedures for continued cooperation between SG16 and IETF - agree that the protocol should not unduly complicate the case where MGs are handling only IP Telephony and not multimedia. - agree to keep this in mind when dealing with issues such as mono vs multimedia contexts, etc. - upcoming SG16 in Chile will address issues such as how to handle multimedia in the protocol, whether to describe the termination descriptors using SDP-like syntax or H.245-like syntax. An output of call flows would be useful. - ** Progress made in Chile will be documented and posted to the IETF list by Tom Taylor - Discussion is encouraged to continue on the megaco mailing list as always, and there will be an audio call the week after the SG16 meeting to once again gauge consensus between the two groups. - even if the H.gcp document is Determined in the ITU SG16 Chile meeting, the IETF and SG16 can still evolve the document together. Final White Document text for ITU is due Oct/1999. In the IETF, plan is for the document to go for WG Last Call in July/99. 2) Documents update - outstanding issues list - contained in H.gcp, and Tom Taylor has a list as well, and may post an update to it. - New version of H.gcp should be out this week (Bryan Hill) - Ascend SG16 contribution, still not available to the megaco mailing list. Essence is need to decide whether to tunnel signalling primitives in the device control protocol, or in Sigtran. 3) mono vs multi media context - not resolved, still need to compare messages and parameters needed for each using a series of test cases. - for H.320 or H.324 MGs, Tom Taylor sees the need to have H.245 running on the MG 4) SDP syntax vs H.245 syntax - still need to see call flows, concrete proposals for each method. - ** Brian Rosen will write up a proposal for termination descriptors - it won't be SDP and it won't be H.245 - it will be what we need ("minimum average pain solution") 5) Naming of terminations - seem to agree that we do not want to have semantics implied by the name. - need a property in Add that indicates the termination class for the termination - move termination class into the termination descriptor? 6) Termination Class - needed? - question came up whether we need termination class, or whether packages are enough - each termination would have a set of packages it supports. - what is a termination class? A group of packages. - Problem: some DS0's will support MF, some won't, or "I can support 12 DS0s with MF if there are only 3 G.726 codecs in use". Need to be able to express this. - ** Conclusion: rethink termination classes - if it is not obvious that removing them helps, then leave them, - need a way to concisely express the properties of any termination or group of terminations - need support for provisioning of termination classes at the MG, and MGC. - need to support capabilities/resource limitations that span the MG, such as "I can support 10 G.711 and 3 G.726 codecs simultaneously", and variations. - and finally, make sure we do not complicate the simple case! Need examples. 7) Description of test cases - ** Tom Taylor will send these out this week, and they will be used to build call flows, which will be the basis for comparing variations on the protocol (e.g. mono vs multimedia contexts, ...) 8) Next Audio Call Sometime during the week after the ITU-T SG16 meeting - date and time will be posted to the two mailing lists. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy M. Greene Internet & Service Provider Networks, Nortel Networks T:514-271-7221 (internal:ESN853-1077)
participants (1)
Nancy-M Greene