RDC documents - version submitted to Geneva

------ =_NextPart_001_01BDD801.3DDD4480 Content-Type: text/plain Hi Chuck, I have another version of RDC. Could you please place these documents into the Geneva98-2 directory at the IMTC site directory and then forward the following message to the Q3 reflector. Thanks Andy Woollett --------------------------------------------- All: The following draft documents have been placed in the Geneva98-2 directory at the IMTC site. /pub/imtc-site/T.120-top/Geneva98-2/VRDCrevB.zip /pub/imtc-site/T.120-top/Geneva98-2/TRDCrevC.zip VRDVrevB.zip contains VRDCrevB.doc - submitted to Geneva as a delayed contribution VRDCrevB_CB.doc - as above but with revision marks TRDVrevC.zip contains TRDCrevC.doc - submitted to Geneva as a delayed contribution TRDCrevC_CB.doc - as above but with revision marks Main Changes * The detailed description of the device list how been moved from T.RDC into V.RDC. The ASN.1 describing the device list has moved into V.RDC. * An optional flag has been added to the RDC-Device-Control primitive to allow the User Application to send the request via a low latency data channel. * Explicit references to H.RDC have been removed since it will not be determined until April 1999. * The optional Stream Identifier flag in the RDC-Source-Select request primitive has been made mandatory. * The ASN.1 in V.RDC has been completed. * The Pan View, Tilt View and Zoom Magnification attributes must be supported if the Pan Position, Tilt Position and Zoom Position attributes are supported. * Added a section describing the allocation of camera device IDs for interoperability with H.281. Andy Woollett ImageCom Limited UK -- ---------------------------------------------------------- Chuck Grandgent, Nexus Systems Inc., Salem, NH 603-894-6110 x1017 chuck@nexussystems.com chuck@k1om.com http://www.nexussystems.com http://www.k1om.com *** "PCs - Automobiles for the mind." *** ----------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Andy Woollett