Dear Q.12-14/16 experts, Q.12-14/16 are going to meet jointly with Q.11/16 in Torino during 17-20 November 1998. The meeting notice is found at: ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/9811_Tor/Notice_Torino.txt or http://standard.pictel.com/ftp/avc-site/9811_Tor/Notice_Torino.txt Important dates are: 1. Registration of participation Advise Donatella Bertolotti (donatella.bertolotti@cselt.it) with copy to three Rapporteurs (e-mail: okubo@giti.or.jp, Dale.Skran@ascend.com, gthom@delta-info.com) by 10 November. 2. Registration of the document Advise Sakae Okubo (okubo@giti.or.jp) by 6 November (already gone). In case your contribution is not included in the attached list, please promptly advise S Okubo. 3. Distribution of the document Upload to ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming by 10 November. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: okubo@giti.or.jp *********************************************************** Documents for the Torino meeting (17-20 November 1998) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- APC- Source Provisional title ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1426 India Internet traffic on the PSTN 1427 Korea Telecom Required functions of RTP receiver and packet forwarding procedure for Dynamic Multicast Network 1428 Accord Video Telecommunication RTP Maximum Packet size 1429 Intel H.323 version 2 compliant Profile 1430 Editor Draft H.283 1431 PictureTel Changes to draft H.323 related to recommendations H.282 and H.283 1432 PictureTel H.283 and H.323 Annex E harmonization 1433 PictureTel General comments on Annex E 1434 AT&T Intra-Domain/Inter-Zone Gatekeeper-to-Gatekeeper and Inter-Domain Border Element-to-Border Element Communications for Distributive, Centralized, and Hybrid Architecture 1435 AT&T Viewgraph Presentation of the contribution described in APC1434 1436 RADVision Master-Slave Determination Procedure in GK routed call model 1437 Editor Update to Draft Recommendation H.341 1438 ETSI TIPHON Liaison from ETSI TIPHON transmitting the draft Phase 1 and 2 TIPHON architecture (DTS/TIPHON-02002) 1439 ETSI TIPHON Liaison from ETSI TIPHON regarding transport of ISUP in an H.323 network 1440 Intel New H.245 Messages for Bit-rate Management 1441 (G Kimchi) 1442 (G Kimchi) 1443 (G Kimchi) 1444 (G Kimchi) 1445 Siemens and Videoserver Conference out of consultation 1446 Siemens Tunnel Transport of SCN Signaling Protocols 1447 Siemens Comments on H.225 Annex G working draft 1448 Intel Coding and usage details for Annex G 1449 Q14 Rapp. New Question of SG15 on PSTN to Internet gateway 1450 MPEG Liaison to Q.12/16 1451 Q12 Rapp. Correction of Amendment 5 to ITU-T Rec. H.222.0| ISO/IEC 13818-1 1452 Q12 Rapp. Integrated edition of ITU-T Rec. H.222.0|ISO/IEC 13818-1 and ITU-T Rec. H.262|ISO/IEC 13818-2 1453 PictureTel Requirements For Layered Audio Coding 1454 Editor Draft H.450.7 1455 RADVision Comments on GK to GK communication protocol 1456 RADVision Tunneling of H.281/H.224 FECC frames 1457 Toshiba Proposed changes on H.245 codepoints for MPEG-4 visual support 1458 TAO Requirements for the H.32L system 1459 TAO Transmission efficiency, packetization delay and information rate 1460 NTT DoCoMo Multimedia terminal on IMT-2000 network 1461 Bellcore Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) 1462 COMSAT Support of non-ITU voice codecs in ITU-T Recommendations 1463 KPN H.450.Call Completion on Busy Subscriber 1464 Ericsson New code point, for T.140, in H.224 1465 Nortel Connection Model For Device Control 1466 Nortel Requirements For The Device Control Interface 1467 Nortel Requirements For SCN-H.323 Signalling Interworking 1468 Siemens Report about ETSI TIPHON meeting of October 26-30, Tel Aviv 1469 Madge Networks Scalable security for Annex G 1470 BT Requirements for IVR Control in VoIP 1471 VideoServer ISUP and FAS/NFAS Call Signaling for H.323 Gateways 1472 Editor H.225.0 V3 current draft 1473 Editor H.225.0 Annex G working draft 1474 Lucent Technologies SS7 Information Transport over Intermediate H.323 Network 1475 Lucent Technologies Comments on Annex G 1476 ITXC, VocalTec, and Lucent Technologies Interoperability Profile -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Mr. OKUBO, I have uploaded the Bellcore contribution "Media Gateway Control Protocol" (APC-1461) to the PictureTel ftp site incoming directory. The two files APC-1461.zip and APC1461.zip are identical. I re-uploaded the file as APC-1461.zip after APC1461.zip to keep the naming convention consistent with other contributions. --Hong
participants (2)
Hong Liu