Re: Draft versions of H.323v4, H.225.0v4, H.323v4 Annex D, and th e Implementers Guide ready for review

Pete, I tried to contact you today. If you are in next week, we had better touch base with the TD 50 issues. M.
-----Original Message----- From: Paul E. Jones [SMTP:paulej@PACKETIZER.COM] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 11:42 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Draft versions of H.323v4, H.225.0v4, H.323v4 Annex D, and the Implementers Guide ready for review
At long last, Rich Bowen and I have been able to complete the initial editing work for the H.323v4 and H.225.0v4 documents. I believe that most of the work is behind us, but I want everybody to review these documents before we finish the final edits and present them to the TSB. The only editing work that remains (at least in H.323v4 and Annex D) are minor editorial issues.
Please post comments to the ITU-T SG16 mailing list with the subject prefix "[V4]". Also, I'd like to schedule a conference call for interested parties on Friday, July 7 at 11AM U.S. Eastern Time (GMT - 5). If you are interested in going through the documents, please contact me before that date and we'll set up a conference bridge for the right number of people and go through an issues.
I have one open issue that I definitely want to resolve before the white paper is produced, although we could wait if we absolutely had to-- it is an issue that affects H.323v3, too, and is detailed at the top of the H.323v4 document. I consider it significant as H.323v3 and H.323v2 interoperability is currently impaired.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Once we get the initial review complete, we will complete the edits and send them to the TSB.
I also have a complete up to date Implementers Guide for H.323v3:
Comments are certainly welcome, but it is not necessary to review that document immediately.
Best Regards, Paul E. Jones
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<Morgan Potter>