Handling of channel failures (H.323v2 clause 8.6)

H.225.0 channel failure: Section 8.6 of H323 V2 second para states that in the case of a protocol failure of the H225 channel it is possible for an endpoint to attempt to reestablish the H225 channel and continue the call.
H.245 channel failure: At the end of section 8.6 (second last para) it states that in the case of a failure of the H245 channel the "procedures described above" shall be used. Which procedures are referred here ?
a) the procedures described for the signalling channel failure case in the second para, allowing a channel re-establishment. This would mean that in case of a H.245 channel failure the H.245 channel may be re-established. If re-establishment is successful, the call may continue. Only if re-establishment fails, the call would have to be terminated according to what is sayd in para 1.
b) the procedures described for H.245 channel failure in the first paragraph; which would mean that the call would have to be terminated. No H.245 channel re-establishment attempt is allowed.
Thanks, Karl ------------------------------------------------ Karl Klaghofer, Siemens AG, Dpmt. ICN IB NL IP7 Hofmannstr. 51, D-81359 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49 89 722 31488, Fax.: +49 89 722 37629 e-mail: karl.klaghofer@icn.siemens.de
participants (1)
Klaghofer Karl ICN IB NL IP 7