Opt-in email lists for only 33 cents!

Everyone knows that marketing through email is very profitable but many don't know how to approach it. Here's the solution...OPT-IN MAILING LISTS!! An opt-in list is a list of email addresses containing only people that have asked to be mailed to. ADVANTAGES OF BUILDING YOUR OWN OPT-IN LIST: 1. You can't get in trouble from your ISP for sending email to an opt in list. You have proof that they requested to be on the list. 2. You have control of the list that you are building and you see what goes into the list. 3. When you launch an email campaign you only have to send a few hundred addresses to get a great response, instead of sending thousands. 4. Anyone can use this method to advertise their web site or business; it doesn't overburden your ISP's mail server or the user's computer. 5. You can use your opt-in list to advertise for your friends, family or even start your own advertising company for pratically zero startup costs. Here is how it works. Just write "Please add me to your mailing list" on a piece of paper and include your name, email address, and mailing address. YOU DON"T NEED TO SEND ANY MONEY, IT IS TOTALLY FREE. Send it to: OPT-IN LIST P.O. Box 15185 East Providence, RI 02915 Here is what you will receive: 1. A tutorial on how to obtain your own opt-in lists for your own business. 2. A List manager to keep track of your mailing lists, filter, remove duplicates, and much more. 3. Group Mailing software. Although many people already have this capability with the email software they are using. 4. An Advertisment of your own to customize for your business's needs. You will be able to offer this same deal FREE to your potential opt-in list. 5. Free list of 200,000 addresses Remember this is absolutely free information, you only have to pay for the price of a stamp! So jump in now because the people that get this valuable info first, will get a greater response. P.S. You must have an email address in order to receive the information. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Please remove at: mailto:btvtm@netscape.net?subject=remove /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
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