Re: [H.323 Mobility] clarification

I apologize for having sent on the e_mail exploder an mail in French and I send it again with english version The calling party (and his GK) cannot only know whether a called party is fixed or mobile if this called party belongs to the same country (same numbering plan) and this may even be no more true if Number Portablity applies. A French GK has at my knowledge no clue on the Australian or swedish numbering plan Best regards and again apologizes for the french message Laurent . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- V Laurent Thiebaut tel: +33 (0)1 3077 0645 A L C A T E L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laurent Thiebaut <Laurent.Thiebaut@ALCATEL.FR> on 26/05/2000 09:53:59 Please respond to Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 <> To: cc: (bcc: Laurent THIEBAUT/FR/ALCATEL) Subject: Re: [H.323 Mobility] clarification Francois-Xavier je ne connais pas le contexte mais a priori: le calling party (et son GK) ne peuvent savoir que l'appelé est un mobile que si cet appelé apprtient au meme pays. Un GK francais n'a a mon avis aucune idee du plan de num Australien ou suedois J'organise lundi une réunion de debriefing du dernier 3GPP R00. Si ca t'interresse. laurent Francois-Xavier Derome <Francois-Xavier.Derome@ALCATEL.FR> on 25/05/2000 13:13:17 Please respond to Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 <> To: cc: (bcc: Laurent THIEBAUT/FR/ALCATEL) Subject: [H.323 Mobility] clarification hi, Before writing a contribution for the annex H, I have a question for clarification. I didn't see a requirement that the calling party and the calling GK should not be aware that the called party is a mobile user and is eventually at a visiting location. What is the feeling of the group ? Shouldn't we add this requirement in the annex or does anybody disagree with it ? fx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to
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Laurent Thiebaut