ITU-SG16 Working Again[via LSMTP - see]

Dear ITU-SG16 Experts: I apologize for the recent problems with the ITU-SG16 mail server (listserv). It appears that a vital configuration file had been deleted by a misbehaved program (virus). The file has been restored (as of 11am PDT today) and the list is again operational. In addition, please note that the listserv software has been upgraded. You may receive responses from listserv when you send mail to the list to confirm by clicking on a URL link. But the links won't work externally from Intel so you will need to continue to confirm by replying to listserv with "OK" in the body of the message (without the quotes). Here's the step-by-step: 1. To send mail to the Study Group 16 experts, send mail to 2. Listserv will respond asking you to confirm the message. Don't click on the URL link in the message. Instead, reply to the message with "OK" as the first line in the body of the message (without the quote marks). 3. Listserv will then send the message to the ITU-SG16 mail list. If you experience any problems with the list, please let me know. Thank you, Greg Meyer Intel Research & Development
participants (1)
Meyer, Greg W