FW: Internet Telephony

This was posted on the IPTel mailing list. (I wonder why SG16 was overlooked?) Bob ------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Callaghan Siemens Business Communication Systems Tel: +1.561.997.3756 Fax: +1.561.997.3403 Email: Robert.Callaghan@ICN.Siemens.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----Original Message----- From: Mohammed Atiquzzaman [mailto:atiq@engr.udayton.edu] Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 11:20 AM To: iptel@lists.research.bell-labs.com Subject: CFP: Internet Telephony Call for Papers Special Issue of IEEE COMMUNICATION MAGAZINE on Internet Telephony Due to the potential economic advantages, the integration of several media is desirable and very attractive. Today, however, voice over IP remains somewhat of a technical novelty, hindred by a number of existing problems to provide an assured voice quality. The likely prognosis is that over the next year or two, the advent of Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) and increased enterprise network bandwidth (achieved with ATM WAN services) could give a boost to voice over IP. This special issue is to bring experts in the field to share with IEEE COMMUNICATION MAGAZINE readers the current problems, components, and experiments in "Internet Telephony". Desirable features of a voice-over-IP system include: * Optimal use of bandwidth. * Capacity management. * Support of speech quality. * Flexible integration into voice environment (e.g., PBX). * Enterprise network ready (support LAN/WAN/Internet protocols for direct attachment). * System-level scalability: must be easy to add PBX-side interfaces to support growth in requirements and appropriate links. * Network-level scalability: must be able to support mapping of a sufficient number of extensions (perhaps several thousands) to the respective IP addresses of the destination gateway. A master database with distributed upgrade may be desirable. IEEE COMMUNICATION MAGAZINE announces a forthcoming issue on "Internet Telephony". Prospective authors should follow IEEE COMMUNICATION MAGAZINE guidelines and submit an electronic (PDF file or a PostScript file viewable by Ghostview) copy of the manuscript to one of the Guest Editors listed below. Articles addressing both traditional and innovative products will be given preference. Topics include, but are not limited to: * Voice over IP/ATM * IP over ATM/FR for Multimedia * Traffic Control for Multimedia/Internet Telephony * QoS Control of Voice over IP * Evolution of the VPN and PBX environment * Traffic Capacity Management and Routing Algorithms for Multimedia. Full manuscript submission deadline July 31, 1999 Notification of acceptance October 30, 1999 Publication Schedule April 2000 Mohsen Guizani Ammar Rayes Mohammed Atiquzzaman Elec. & Comp. Engr. Director, Solution Arch. Elec. & Comp. Engr. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia Traffic Capacity Manag. 300 College Park 5605 Troost Avenue & Planning University of Dayton Kansas City, Bellcore, 444 Hoes Lane Dayton, MO 64110-2823, USA. Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA. Ohio 45469-0226, USA. Tel: (816) 235-1550 Tel: (732) 699-3669 Tel. (937) 229 3183 Fax: (816) 235-1260 arayes@notes.cc.bellcore.com Fax. (937) 229-4529 guizanim@umkc.edu atiq@engr.udayton.edu --------- This message came from the IETF IPTEL Working Group Mailing List.
participants (1)
Callaghan, Robert