I want to subscribe to your study group.

Hi. I'm Youngsin Lee at LGIC S/W Lab in Korea. I heard your H.323 study group from my fellow worker. Please inform me how I can subscribe to the study group. Thank you.

Mr. Lee, You might be interetsed in Communications Standards Review also. CSR is a for-fee technical journal that reports on the work in progress in SG 8 (fax), SG 15 WP1 (xDSL) and SG 16 (T.120, modems, AT command sets, DSVD, H.32x, video and speech codecs) as well as related work in ETSI TIPHON, DTA and ATA and several TIA technical committees. For additional information on our journal please see the CSR web page http://www.csrstds.com or e-mail ebaskin@csrstds.com Ken Krechmer At 09:48 AM 7/20/99 +0900, you wrote:
Hi. I'm Youngsin Lee at LGIC S/W Lab in Korea. I heard your H.323 study group from my fellow worker.
Please inform me how I can subscribe to the study group.
Thank you.
Ken Krechmer +1 650 856-8836 krechmer@csrstds.com Technical Editor Communications Standards Review Palo Alto, CA (http://www.csrstds.com) Technical journals reporting on formal WAN standards work-in-progress
participants (2)
Ken Krechmer