[Resending with the correct address for itu-sg16.] Mr. Roy, I'm working on the Rapporteur's TD that incorporates your QOS contributions from the Red Bank meeting as previously discussed and I have a question about the reject reasons related to QOS. APC 1668 indicates that "the rejectReason field of the ARJ message should also be extended to include the parameters related to the bandwidth and transportQOS." Currently the AdmissionRejectReason structure has a choice "requestDenied" that indicates, according to the comment in the ASN.1, that the requested bandwidth was not available. Also there is a choice "qosControlNotSupported" that appears to indicate that the GK concluded that either it or the endpoint did not have the QOS capabilities required to make the call. Do these two fields meet the requirements, or did you have something else in mind? Also, APC 1669 indicates that "the rejectReason field of the BRJ message should also be extended to include the parameters related to the transportQOS." The BandRejectReason structure currently defines a choice of "insufficientResources" that I assume is typically used to indicate that the requested bandwidth is unavailable. Were there additional details that you had in mind? Copying the itu-sg16 list since there may be other interested parties. Thanks, Rich -------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard K. Bowen Cisco Systems, Inc. rkbowen@cisco.com Research Triangle Park, NC --------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Rich Bowen