Stds Q&A - H248.1 chapter 7.1.11 KeepActive Signal
Dear all Any inputs on this question put in the Q&A Forum (only saw it today!) Simão ---start--- 01-11-2013 02:15 AM wang dayong Subject: H248.1 chapter 7.1.11 KeepActive Signal Anew SignalsDescriptor replaces any existing SignalsDescriptor. Any signalsapplied to the Termination not in the replacement descriptor shall be stopped,and new signals are applied, except as follows. Signals present in thereplacement descriptor and containing the KeepActive flag shall be continued ifthey are currently playing and have not already completed. If a replacementsignal descriptor contains a signal that is not currently playing and containsthe KeepActive flag, that signal SHALL be ignored. If the replacement descriptor contains asequential signal list with the same identifier as the existing descriptor,then * the signal type and sequence of signals in the sequential signal list in thereplacement descriptor shall be ignored; and * the playing of the signals in the sequential signal list in the existingdescriptor shall not be interrupted. To apply on following sequence -- meeting usage. When MG receive following package from MGC Frame 36: C=70{MF=TEL1102006{SG{amet/mpb{bpc=10}}}}} action: MG has to generate 1 burst of 10 pulses for terminationTEL1102006 Frame51: C=70{MF=TEL1102006{SG{amet/em{pc=0,pri=30000}}}}} action:MSAN has to start generating 1 metering pulse each 30s fortermination TEL1102006 Frame56: C=70{MF=TEL1102006{SG{amet/em{KA,pc=0,pri=60000}}}}} action: As the KA flag is set, the current interval of 30sproceeds must proceed until it expires. Then MG should behaviour A or B? A. When current ongoing interval of 30s expires (SG frame-51 ends) then the interval switches to 60s (SG of frame-56 becomes active) for termination TEL1102006 follow standard description? Signals present inthe replacement descriptor and containing the KeepActive flag shall becontinued if they are currently playing and have not already completed B. keeping 30s expires,not switch to 60s follow standard description? If the replacement descriptor contains asequential signal list with the same identifier as the existing descriptor,then * the signal type and sequence of signals in the sequential signal list in thereplacement descriptor shall be ignored ---end---
<((((º>.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>.·´¯`·...¸><((((º> ===================================================================== Simão Ferraz de Campos Neto Counsellor, ITU-T SG 16 International Telecommunication Union Tel: +41-22-730-6805 Place des Nations Fax: +41-22-730-5853 Geneva CH1211 - Switzerland E-mail: On the web: ===================================================================== ***** Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty ***** =====================================================================
participants (1)
Campos, Simao