Re: I invite you to an important session on Voice over IP

Dear Mme Lapierre, I find it a little confusing that your email says that standards makers will present what the signalling of VoIP will look like, and that your agenda refers to the session as an H.323/IP workshop, yet none of the scheduled talks seem to talk about H.323. Rather there seems to be a focus on the gateway control protocols (SGCP and IPDC) which as you know, are being pushed by some parties as replacements for H.323. Can you clear up my confusion? Regards, Dave Walker Mitel Corporation Ontario, CANADA wrote:
Good evening,
please find attached an invitation to a workshop on VoIP where key VoIP experts will be present. Standards makers will present what the signalling of VoIP will look like, and its impact on the network architecture. IP / VoIP manufacturers will be there. Operators will be discussing how and when they see VoIP in their networks. I will be happy to chair this session.
The workshop is sponsored by the TINA consortium, so that the entry is free. Nevertheless, we need to know the number of persons who will attend to determine the room size, so be kind enough to register if you or a representant of your company are coming.
Martine Lapierre
3 times a year, all telecom operators, telecom manufacturers and IT/IP manufacturers use to meet in the TINA Consortium Technical Forum for a week of worgroups exchanges, Request For Pproposals examinations, including an open workshop.
EURESCOM and the TINA Consortium are pleased to invite you to the October 98 open workshop on H323/IP, that will focus mainly on 2 issues: - The re-use of the existing vocal services unto a VoIP network - The network architecture and signalling for an IP based vocal and data operator.
During the afternoon, four presentations and an open discussion will take place.
Introduction Martine LAPIERRE,TINA-C president
Christian HUITEMA, Bellcore : Controling routers with the SGCP protocol defined by Bellcore and Cisco; the IETSF group; VoIP network architectures
Ike ELLIOT, Level3 and Pete OCONNELL, Alcatel: Controling VoIP networks with IPDC; associated network architectures
Didier GUY (France Telecom): what could be the future of the telecom Switches; can TINA bring something to VOIP?
William NAVARRO (ETSI/UMTS/TFO Leader, Nortel): introducing VoIP in mobile networks: the Tandem Free Operations signalling, and the IP based UMTS Phase 2 possible network architecture
Question and Answer Session.
participants (1)
Dave Walker