Dear Mr. Sayre,
2) -- "Multimedia Support Using the Decomposed $B!! (BGateway Architecture" by Mr. Clifford Sayre et al
I just wanted to clarify the status and intent of item #2. I do intend to present this document at the Porto Seguro meeting. It will be a Delay Contribution with a source of Lucent Tech. Lucent needs to have this approved by the US government process (SGD) for approving company contributions to ITU SG 16 meetings and I am working this process in conjunction with Terry Anderson (the lead Lucent delegate).
The purpose of the document is to answer some delegate questions and issues raised in the Launceston meeting on contribution AVD-2057. Thus it is for discussion and the text will not go directly into the draft H.248 annex that I am working on. Sorry about using the term "white paper". I realized after reading your email that the term white paper has had a different meaning in the context of SG 16 documents.
Thank you for your clarification. When your delayed contribution is provided, I will replace with that. Best regards, OKUBO Sakae ********************************************************* Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI) Waseda University 29-7 Waseda University Bldg. 1-3-10 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan e-mail: Tel: +81 3 3204 8194 Fax: +81 3 5286 3832 ********************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to
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