Dear All, The following documents have been uploaded to the FTP site: APC-1317.doc Alternate Service Signalling:- The URL work has identified that there are a number of ways to contact a user. The URL work is trying to define mechanisms for determining different ways to contact a user. However, this incurs delay as a result of requesting the information and if H.323 is the main method for contacting a user it is sensible to try H.323 first, and then use H.323 to provide alternatives if the remote user is not available. APC-1318.doc User Location Using H.225/Q.931 Signalling:- It has been commented in the past that the H.225/Q.931 signalling does not allow for gatekeeper/proxy user location search algorithms. This is incorrect, and this proposal gives an example of how H.225/Q.931 signalling can be used for this purpose. APC-1319.doc Multicasting H.225/Q.931 Setup for User Location:- It has been mentioned in the past that H.323 does not allow much in the way of multicast based user location. This document describes how this could be done with minor modification to H.323 by multicasting the Q.931 SETUP message. The multicasted message contains a transport address which indicates where responding terminals should connect back to to take part in the call. This type of feature is actually catered for in Q.931 as the SETUP message is typically broadcast on to the S-Bus (See T303 on sheet 4 of Figure A.3/Q.931, and Sheet 20). Naturally the re-try strategy may need altering for the IP environment. The purpose of this is to show that it can be done, and to solicit opinion on whether it should be done, based on how useful it is relative to the existing registration based method, and its impact on H.323 signalling. Regards, Pete
participants (1)
Pete Cordell