Re: Alcatel Reaction on H.323m contributions

Hi Laurent, Welcome to the Group. For your information, ITU-T SG16 Q13/A14 H.323 Mobility Annex-H group has formed a H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc working group in order to make progress in the development of H.323 Mobility Annex-H standard specifications. The H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc group agreed to have interim conference call meeting on Nov 17, 1999 8:00 am to 10:00 am (PST) in order to discuss contributions from different interested parties towards 6b. H.323 Mobility Functional Entities (HLF, VLF, AuF, IWF) 6c. H.323 Mobility Architecture of the agenda items. The following procedure was adopted by the Ad Hoc group: 1. Interested parties submitting contributions should request MTD-XX number from Conference Call chair and upload the document into the ftp site shown below. 2. Your MTD-08 document will be assigned to an agenda item and it will be discussed during the conference call accordingly. Your enclosed document showed the MTD-05 number,which is already assigned to Motorola. I am assigning the following MTD number for your document, please make changes and upload the document to the directory. MTD-08: Integrating 3GPP's option-1 architecture into the H.323 wireless IP mobility system and a full migration from GPRS to a Multimedia IP network proposal. Company: Alcatel Regards, -Paul Paul K. Reddy Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corporation, 2111 NE 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR - 97124, USA, Office Phone# +1 (503)-264-9896 -----Original Message----- From: Laurent Thiebaut [mailto:LAURENT.THIEBAUT@ALCATEL.FR] Sent: Monday, November 15, 1999 9:40 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Re: Alcatel Reaction on H.323m contributions Hello everybody, I have just subscribe to itu-sg16. I'm mostly interested in H.323 link with radio access, being involved in 3GPP standardization (3GPP S2 working group responsible of network architecture) Please find attached some comments on Contribution "Integrating 3GPP's option-1 architecture into the H.323 wireless IP mobility system and a full migration from GPRS to a Multimedia IP network proposal" (file MTD-05) - source Motorola - to be discussed on wednesday about H323 mobility. - comment on section "Alternate Proposal for an all IP option for 3GPP R'00. The purpose the all IP proposal is also to allow support of release 99 CS domain terminals. In addition it will also support the IP based services of option 1." The figure shown in the contribution does **NOT** correspond to the support of the CS terminals as described in 3GPP 23.922. This option 2 of the 3GPP standard corresponds to the option 1 architecture plus -- a MSC server mainly that comprises the call control and mobility control parts of a GSM/UMTS R99 MSC. MSC server controls the parts of the call state that pertain to connection control for media channels in a MGW. -- A GMSC server that mainly comprises the call control and mobility control parts of a GSM/UMTS R99 GMSC. The attached contains extracts from 3GPP23.922 that explain the 3GPP position on network architecture. The following further discrepancies between contribution MTD05 and 3GPP specifications are: -- The network architecture defined by 3GPP does *NOT* imply to have the GK and the SGSN function mixed, -- nor has 3GPP accepted to merge the GGSN and the MG functions -- nor has 3GPP accepted to have a Gi interface between UTRAN (radio) and GGSN (Gateway to Packet Data networks such as Intranets / ISPs). Merging of functions is always possible at the implementation level but should not be dictated by standardization when not necessary. As H.323 networks may have to interact with other non 3GPP radio (and even mobile, non terrestrial radio) networks, it is better to have, as 3GPP has done, a clear separation between (radio) access bearer layer - UTRAN, ERAN, SGSN, GGSN for 3GPP networks, PDSN for CDMA2000 networks - and multimedia call control layer e.g. GK. Best regards Laurent T. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- V Laurent Thiebaut tel: +33 (0)1 3077 0645 A L C A T E L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Alcatel representant to 3GPP SA Working group 2 that is responsible of 3GPP system architecture)
participants (1)
Reddy, Paul K