Updated information on Yokosuka meeting

Dear Q.11-14/16 colleagues, Attached please find the updated invitation for the next experts group meeting in Yokosuka(14-17, April). It contains general information about the meeting. The attached zip file contains a "Word97/6.0" compatible documents. We will send you the one in text-only format as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Best regards, from the meeting hosts; Hidenobu HARASAKI (NEC) Kiyoshi SAKAI(Fujitsu Lab.) ********************************************************************** Kiyoshi Sakai Media Processing Laboratory Multimedia Systems Labs. FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD. Tel. : +81 44 754 2679 Fax. : +81 44 754 2347 E-mail : sakai@flab.fujitsu.co.jp **********************************************************************
participants (1)
Kiyoshi SAKAI