[itu-sg16] ITU Kaleidoscope 2010 AND Standards tutorial on 16 December 2010
Dear all For your information. Best regards, Simao _____________________________________________ From: Magliarditi, Alessia Sent: Friday, 24 September 2010 16:12 To: TSB Secretariats Subject: [Beyond the Internet? - ITU Kaleidoscope 2010] Standards tutorial on 16 December 2010 Dear colleagues, We wish to provide you with some updates on the organization of the ITU Kaleidoscope event − “Beyond the Internet? − Innovations for future networks and services” − Pune, India, 13 – 15 December 2010 (www.itu-kaleidoscope.org/2010). This year's event will be followed by a tutorial on Standardization organized by the ITU on 16 December 2010, which will complement the "Standards Corner". All Kaleidoscope participants are encouraged to attend this additional free event, which will cover background information on how standardization works as well as a simulation of a standards-setting meeting. Participants coming from both academia and industry will gain practical and theoretic knowledge about international standardization. Topics cover inter alia preparation towards participation in an upcoming meeting, the role of the secretariat, how the management of a standardization group ensures the smooth progress of a meeting. The aim of Kaleidoscope conferences is to identify information and communication technologies (ICTs) for which the development of standards can turn innovations into successful products and services, but it is also a venue to disseminate knoledge on international standardization processes, which become more and more important with the rapid evolution of ICTs. More information on the tutorial will be soon available on the Kaleidoscope web pages (www.itu-kaleidoscope.org/2010). Please find below the schedule of events being orgnized by ITU, 13-17 December, in Pune, together with the Kaleidoscope conference. All events below will be open and free for participation: 1) 13-15 December: ITU Kaleidoscoped Conference "Beyond the Internet? − Innovations for future networks and services". 2) 16 December: Standardisation tutorial 3) 16-17 December: IPTV Interoperability event showcase (http://itu.int/net/ITU-T/cdb/interop.aspx) During the Kaleidoscope conference two special sessions will be organized "Jules Verne's Corner" and "Standards Corner". More info will be available at the Kaleidoscope webpage soon. In addition to the events above, the venue will host the following standardization meetings, open to membership only: · 13-17 December: ITU IPTV-GSI event (see http://tu.int/ITU-T/gsi/iptv) · 14-15 December: IPTV Interoperability testing event (http://itu.int/net/ITU-T/cdb/interop.aspx) · 14-16 December: Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI) Standards meeting (http://www.gisfi.org/) Other events might be organized during the same week to complete an already rich programme. We wish to meet all of you in Pune. Inquiries should be addressed to kaleidoscope@itu.int ITU Kaleidoscope Secretariat ---------------------------------------------------------- International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Place des Nations - Geneva CH1211 - Switzerland EMAIL: kaleidoscope@itu.int TEL: +41 22 730 5858 FAX: +41 22 730 5853 WEB: http://itu-kaleidoscope.org <http://itu-kaleidoscope.org/>
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