W. Liao WanJiun: I am in Wash DC, and will be answering your question very shortly. Regards, Radhika ---------- From: WanJiun Liao [SMTP:wjliao@EEE.HKU.HK] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 1998 12:30 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: ARQ/ACF Roy, Sorry, I just joined, and maybe have missed the disscussion of the following questions. I am a bit confused about how they are handled. ---- In a distributed gatekeeper architecture of multiple zones environment, say, the H.245 control channel topology looks like as follows: E1 ----- GK -------E2 / | \ / | \ / | \ E3 E4 E5 E1 is in zone 1, E2 is in zone 2, and (E3,E4,E5) are in zone 3. (the corresponding gatekeeper in each zone is denoted to GKi) GK is a gatekeeper that contains an active MC for multipoint conference ocntrol. 1. Should GK has to be in one of {zone1, zone2, zone3)? 2. If endpoint F in in zone 4 would like to join the conference, F must send an ARQ to GK4 before any setup to join the conf. (because GK4 is in charge of the admission for call bandwidth etc. local resources.) Should GK4 forwards ARQ to GK that has the MC?? F should not use any resources in the zone of GK is responsible for. or F has to, because H.245 control message exchanges also consume the reources? or some others? Please advise. Thanks a lot. Regards, Vivian Liao
participants (1)
Roy, Radhika R, ALTEC