Fwd:Celebration of 50 years of creation of the CCITT / ITU-T and
*** Please enjoy the voting ***
Subject: Celebration of 50 years of creation of the CCITT / ITU-T and vote for the most influential ITU-T standard work Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 17:59:41 +0200 Thread-Topic: Celebration of 50 years of creation of the CCITT / ITU-T and vote for the most influential ITU-T standard work thread-index: AcaEyznl3WkDOsI6QYScVDPjrP8vRQ== From: <simao.campos@itu.int> To: <t05sg16mgt@ties.itu.int> Sender: owner-t05sg16mgt@itu.int Reply-To: <simao.campos@itu.int> X-Greylist: Sender IP whitelisted, not delayed by milter-greylist-2.1.4 (mail5.itu.ch []); Wed, 31 May 2006 18:03:32 +0200 (MEST) X-Biglobe-VirusCheck: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 01:04:09 +0900 X-Biglobe-spamcheck: 0.00%
please disseminate as much as possible the following information.
In 2006, ITU-T will celebrate 50 years of making the standards (http://itu.int/ITU-T/50) that have played a massive part in shaping the information and communications technologies (ICT) and services of today. As part of the celebration, ITU-T would like to recognize the most influential standards work from ITU-T, and invites all to give their opinion from a pre-selected list (or propose a different one) by visiting:
Let your voice be heard!
Cheers, Sim黍
===================================================================== Sim黍 Ferraz de Campos Neto Counsellor, ITU-T SG 6&16 International Telecommunication Union Tel: +41-22-730-6805 Place des Nations Fax: +41-22-730-5853 Geneva CH1211 - Switzerland E-mail: simao.campos@itu.int On the web: www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com16 ===================================================================== ***** Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty ***** =====================================================================
participants (1)