Bob, For the record, what you call "Fast Open" was rejected during the Santiago de Chile meeting. Bob ------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Callaghan Siemens Enterprise Networks Tel: +1.561.923.1756 Fax: +1.561.923.1403 Email: ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----Original Message----- From: Bob Gilman [mailto:rrg@LUCENT.COM] Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 6:55 PM To: Subject: Re: Expediting H.245 Paul- In trying to think about ways to avoid adding the earlyH245 element to SETUP, I overlooked the fact that it could be used just as well to initiate the Fast Open procedures in a way that was backward compatible. That would permit us to offer both Fast Connect and Fast Open - the called endpoint could accept either one (or would see only the fastStart if it were an older endpoint). The advantage of Fast Open in this case would arise from it's use later on in the call (e.g., to switch to FAX or to redirect audio). -Bob ---------------------------------------------------- Bob Gilman +1 303 538 3868 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to
Bob- Indeed, I am aware of the proposal with similar goals, but I am proposing what I believe is a simple and familiar way to accomplish them. -Bob ---------------------------------------------------- Bob Gilman +1 303 538 3868 "Callaghan, Robert" wrote:
For the record, what you call "Fast Open" was rejected during the Santiago de Chile meeting.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Callaghan Siemens Enterprise Networks Tel: +1.561.923.1756 Fax: +1.561.923.1403 Email: ------------------------------------------------------------------
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participants (2)
Bob Gilman
Callaghan, Robert