AD Hoc Mobility Gorup Activities

Hi, Everyone: I have to report few things after yesterday's conference call as follows: 1. I have requested both editors - Ed Martinez and Paul Reddy to prepare the yesterday's meeting minutes and send it to me for distribution to the SG16 reflector. 2. Both editors have also been requested to prepare a tentative meeting agenda for the upcoming conference call to be held on November 29 and send it to me for distribution to the SG16 reflector. IMTC representative has also been requested to send the conference bridge information for distribution along with the meeting agenda. We provide our sincere thanks to the IMTC for facilitating the SG16 conferencing. 3. All contributions will be allocated on or before November 25. The uploading of the documents should be done by November 26 (12:00 AM EST USA). Please contact Paul K. Reddy, Intel Architecture Labs, Intel Corporation, 2111 NE 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR - 97124, USA, Office Phone # +1 (503)-264-9896, paul.k.reddy@INTEL.COM, for obtaining the MTD number and uploading the document. 4. The final agenda for the upcoming conference call on Novemebr 29 will be sent by me (along with editors) on November 26. 5. I will request one of the editors or any other SG16 member to conduct the conference as per agenda on the November 29th conference call (while I plan to act as a moderator behind the scene as I did in the yesterday's conference call). 6. Editors are hereby requested to clearly indicate in the edited documents what has been added as new and what has been in the previous version. The general principle is that editors will add new things based discussions held in the conference calls, discussions via SG16 emails, APCs, TDs, and MTDs. (However, SG16 members are welcomed to discuss any item with editors on one-to-basis to clarify additional points. Editors may include any of those items if these are consistent with the general principle. If editors feel that additional points that need to be included based on private conversations and are not covered in the public discussion as indicated in the general principle, they indicate clearly in the document that those items have been included after private discussions.) 7. I plan to send brief notes related to H.323 Annex I and H.246 Annex E soon. We have seen that Ed Martinez of Motorola had already sent the revised version of H.323 Annex H so promptly that we appreciate his work. We also thanks Paul Reddy of Intel who is working so hard in helping to make the activities of the Ad Hoc Group a success. Finally, we all have been very much encouraged to see the amount of support provided by all members through their lively discussions, contributions, and bringing new ideas for creation of H.323 mobility standards solving complex problems. Definitely, we can make it!! Radhika R. Roy H.323 Ad Hoc Mobility Group AT&T + 1 732 420 1580 PS: Paul - Kindly put this email as another MTD for the upcoming meeting.
participants (1)
Roy, Radhika R, ALARC