It has just been brought to my attention that this ftp site is not accessible outside of BT, and that files in this area are automatically copied to an external site overnight. So, I hope that these files will appear in the directory tomorrow. Apologies for wasting your time and causing confusion. Mike ********************************************************************** * Mike Nilsson Tel: +44 1473 645413 * * Applications Technology Group Fax: +44 1473 645011 * * Internet and Multimedia Applications Email: * * BT Advanced Communications Technology Centre [B54 Room 94] * * Adastral Park * * Martlesham Heath * * Ipswich IP5 3RE * * UK * **********************************************************************
-----Original Message----- From: Mike Nilsson [SMTP:mike.nilsson@BT.COM] Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 10:00 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Delayed contributions
I have been unable to upload our delayed contributions to the PictureTel site.
So instead I have put them on a BT server as detailed below.
ISUP transport in H.225 using a Generic, Extensible Framework :
A Tutorial on the Extensible Package Framework :
Applying the Extensible Package Framework to Annexe G :
Object Profile for ISUP Transport in H.225 using the Generic Extensible Framework :
Security package for the Extensible Package Framework :
Best regards
********************************************************************** * Mike Nilsson Tel: +44 1473 645413 * * Applications Technology Group Fax: +44 1473 645011 * * Internet and Multimedia Applications Email: * * BT Advanced Communications Technology Centre [B54 Room 94] * * Adastral Park * * Martlesham Heath * * Ipswich IP5 3RE * * UK * **********************************************************************
participants (1)
Mike Nilsson