Notice of the Q.12-14/16 Cannes meeting

To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Q.12/16, Q.13/16 and Q.14/16 Cc Mr. P-A. Probst, Chairman of SG16 Mr. G. Helder, Vice-Chairman of SG16 Mr. F. Tosco, Chairman of WP2/16 Mr. F. Bigi, ITU-TSB Mr. T. Geary, Rapporteur for Q.11/16 De Sakae OKUBO Rapporteur for Q.12/16 in ITU-T SG16 TAO Waseda Research Center 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 4-36-19 Yoyogi 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 E-mail: Dale SKRAN Rapporteur for Q.13/16 in ITU-T SG16 Ascend Communications, Inc. 621 Shrewsbury Avenue Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 USA Tel: +1 908 450 1635 Fax: +1 908 450 1611 E-mail: Gary Thom Rapporteur for Q.14/16 in ITU-T SG16 Delta Information Systems Inc. Horsham Business Center Bldg. 3 300 Welsh Road, Horsham, PA 19044 Tel: +1 215 657 5270 ex 23 Fax: +1 215 657 5273 E-mail: ------------------------------------------------ Subject: Notice of Q.12-14/16 Rapporteur Meeting Date: 13 May 1998 ------------------------------------------------ Dear SG16 Colleagues, The subject meeting of ITU-T SG16 experts will be held in Cannes, France at the kind invitation of France Telecom/CNET. Please note that Q.11 will meet concurrently at the same place and have joint sessions with Q.12-14/16. 1. Date ^^^^^^^ 8 (Monday) - 11 (Thursday) June 1998 starting at 9:00 on the first day 2. Venue ^^^^^^^^ Noga Hilton Cannes 50, La Croisette F-06414 Cannes Cedex Tel: + 33 4 93 99 70 00 Fax: + 33 4 92 99 70 17 3. Topics (tentative) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) Review of the relevant group meetings 2) Q.12/16 B-ISDN multimedia systems and terminals - Progress in security, VBR, interworking and other technical aspects - Future direction of ATM based broadband systems 3) Q.13/16 Packet switched multimedia systems and terminals - Decision/Determination as in Section 5.8/APC-1372 - Final liaison to June SG8 decision meeting for T.38 - MIB work with Q14 - Other technical work 4) Q.14/16 Common protocols, MCUs and protocols for interworking with H.300-series terminals - H.235 V2 issues - H.245 V5 for Determination (9/98) - H.246 Annex B for Determination (9/98) - Other H.246 annexes and issues - H.MediaMIB for Determination (9/98) - Other H.MediaMIB issues - H.RDC for Determination (9/98) - Other technical issues 5) Any other Q.12-14/16 related matters - Interaction with other groups 6) Future work 4. Documents ^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// Registration of the document: by 29 May /// /// Distribution of the document: by 1 June /// /// Use the ftp site or e-mail reflector for distribution. /// 1) When you are going to submit a document, please notify S. Okubo as soon as possible, by 29 May (Friday) at the latest. Document number (APC-1nnn) will be allocated. Early indication of your submission plan is welcome. Note - Prefix "APC" comes from Atm (Q.12/16), Packet based (Q.13/16) and Common protocols (Q.14/16) based on coordination with Q.1 ("Q1City"), Q.3 ("T120"), Q.11 ("Q11"), Q.15 ("Q15") groups. 2) You are advised to include a header as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Document APC-{1nnn}| | Study Group 16 {Version m if relevant}| | Q.12-14/16 Rapporteur Meeting {Date}| | Cannes, 8-11 June 1998 | | | | SOURCE*: { } | | TITLE : { } | | PURPOSE: {Proposal, Discussion, Information, Report, etc.} | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | | | *Contact: Name, e-mail | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) All the contributors are requested to distribute their documents as early as possible, at least 7 calendar days in advance of the meeting (by 1 June) by posting them at either of the following: - PictureTel ftp site (please advise S. Okubo of your posting) Site: Login name: anonymous Directory: Incoming - Q.12-14/16 experts reflector e-mail address: Please avoid the use of reflector when your document is voluminous. Use of Word for Windows 2.0 or 6 or pure text is recommended. 4) Input documents can be retrieved from 9806_Can directory of the ftp site. 5) Please bring 60 copies of your document to Cannes. Your cooperation is needed to start the meeting with all the documents at hand; please note that the copying capacity at the meeting site is limited. 5. Logistic information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please see the invitation which has been provided by the meeting host (/9806_Can/ at the ftp site). 6. Registration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please notify Mr. Azdine TADRIST (e-mail: with copy to Rapporteurs (e-mail:,, as soon as possible if you plan to attend the Cannes meeting. 7. Hotel Room Reservation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please directly contact the following hotel using the form contained in the invitation. Noga Hilton Cannes 50, La Croisette F-06414 Cannes Cedex Tel: + 33 4 93 99 70 00 Fax: + 33 4 92 99 70 17 Citadines Carnot Aparthotel 1, rue Le Poussin (at the corner of Boulevard Carnot) 06400 Cannes, France Tel: + 33 4 92 98 34 34 Fax: + 33 4 93 38 84 09 We are looking forward to meeting with you in Cannes. Sincerely yours, Sakae OKUBO Dale SKRAN Gary THOM
participants (1)