[Robustness] Teleconference 9AM EST USA, March 20

The next teleconference will be held at 9AM EST USA on March 20. Please send me e-mail to let me know if you will be able to attend. Attached are the minutes from the last robustness teleconference. The teleconference information is: 1-613-688-2795 The access code is: #4729 ----------------------------------- mintues from Teleconference on 3/1/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Minutes of H.323 Robustness Teleconference - March 1, 2000 Prepared by Maureen Stillman, Nokia Next Teleconference: March 20, 2000 9AM EST USA Action items from this teleconference: 1. Post meeting minutes to mailing list 2. Jorg Ott will provide failure scenarios for gatekeepers for the Robustness Framework document. 3. Terry Anderson will provide H.225 and H.245 state machines for us to review. 4. Terry Anderson will provide failure scenarios involving a GK which exchanges information with a clearinghouse 5. Sasha Ruditsky will work on the SDL for the robustness procedure. Attending the 3/1/2000 teleconference (some names are missing from this list): Jill Caugherty jcaugher@cisco.com Maureen Stillman maureen.stillman@nokia.com Jorg Ott jo@tzi.uni-bremen.de Michael Fortinsky Michael_Fortinsky@vocaltec.com Terry Anderson of Lucent tla@bell-labs.com Nissani at Radvision Roy Radhika rrroy@att.com Summary of Teleconference: We discussed the draft of the robustness framework document. We decided to give priority to three topics specifically, examining failure scenarios and failure detection in detail and writing the SDL for the robustness procedure. 1) Failure detection. Modes of operation for H.225 and H.245 must be enumerated and potential failure states identified. In order to proceed in this direction we must have detailed state information for H.225 and H.245. Terry Anderson of Lucent volunteered to look into this area and develop a draft document. 2) Failure scenarios. We must investigate and describe failure scenarios. The first three that we will investigate focus on the GK. These scenarios are: * (Gatekeeper - endpoint): No relationship yet / anymore. * (Gatekeeper - endpoint): discovered but not registered. * (Gatekeeper - endpoint): discovered and registered. Jorg Ott offered to draft these scenarios for the group. Another important commercial scenario is the case in which the GK fails and is reporting information to a clearinghouse. If the GK fails the new GK must report information correctly to the clearinghouse. Terry Anderson will draft this scenario. 3) SDL for robustness procedures. It is required that we specify the robustness procedure using SDL. Sasha Ruditsky of Radvision will be working on a draft of this specification. A general comment on the robustness framework: The ultimate goal should be to provide a mapping between the failure scenarios and the robustness procedure(s). -- maureen Maureen Stillman Member of Scientific Staff Voice: (607)273-0724 x62 Nokia IP Telephony Fax: (607)275-3610 127 W. State Street Mobile: (607)227-2933 Ithaca, NY 14850 e-mail: maureen.stillman@nokia.com www.nokia.com

I will attend. Did you mean to make it 2 hr earlier? That makes it 6AM for those on west coast. And thanks for the gentle reminder of my not doing the task I accepted. I got busy but will make a real effort to get something out early next week. Maureen Stillman wrote:
The next teleconference will be held at 9AM EST USA on March 20. Please send me e-mail to let me know if you will be able to attend. Attached are the minutes from the last robustness teleconference.
The teleconference information is:
1-613-688-2795 The access code is: #4729
----------------------------------- mintues from Teleconference on 3/1/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Minutes of H.323 Robustness Teleconference - March 1, 2000 Prepared by Maureen Stillman, Nokia
Next Teleconference: March 20, 2000 9AM EST USA
Action items from this teleconference:
1. Post meeting minutes to mailing list 2. Jorg Ott will provide failure scenarios for gatekeepers for the Robustness Framework document. 3. Terry Anderson will provide H.225 and H.245 state machines for us to review. 4. Terry Anderson will provide failure scenarios involving a GK which exchanges information with a clearinghouse 5. Sasha Ruditsky will work on the SDL for the robustness procedure.
Attending the 3/1/2000 teleconference (some names are missing from this list):
Jill Caugherty jcaugher@cisco.com Maureen Stillman maureen.stillman@nokia.com Jorg Ott jo@tzi.uni-bremen.de Michael Fortinsky Michael_Fortinsky@vocaltec.com Terry Anderson of Lucent tla@bell-labs.com Nissani at Radvision Roy Radhika rrroy@att.com
Summary of Teleconference:
We discussed the draft of the robustness framework document. We decided to give priority to three topics specifically, examining failure scenarios and failure detection in detail and writing the SDL for the robustness procedure.
1) Failure detection. Modes of operation for H.225 and H.245 must be enumerated and potential failure states identified. In order to proceed in this direction we must have detailed state information for H.225 and H.245. Terry Anderson of Lucent volunteered to look into this area and develop a draft document.
2) Failure scenarios. We must investigate and describe failure scenarios. The first three that we will investigate focus on the GK. These scenarios are: * (Gatekeeper - endpoint): No relationship yet / anymore. * (Gatekeeper - endpoint): discovered but not registered. * (Gatekeeper - endpoint): discovered and registered. Jorg Ott offered to draft these scenarios for the group. Another important commercial scenario is the case in which the GK fails and is reporting information to a clearinghouse. If the GK fails the new GK must report information correctly to the clearinghouse. Terry Anderson will draft this scenario.
3) SDL for robustness procedures. It is required that we specify the robustness procedure using SDL. Sasha Ruditsky of Radvision will be working on a draft of this specification.
A general comment on the robustness framework:
The ultimate goal should be to provide a mapping between the failure scenarios and the robustness procedure(s).
-- maureen
Maureen Stillman Member of Scientific Staff Voice: (607)273-0724 x62 Nokia IP Telephony Fax: (607)275-3610 127 W. State Street Mobile: (607)227-2933 Ithaca, NY 14850 e-mail: maureen.stillman@nokia.com www.nokia.com
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Terry L Anderson mailto:tla@lucent.com Tel:908.582.7013 Fax:908.582.6729 Pager:800.759.8352 pin 1704572 1704572@skytel.com Lucent Technologies/ Voice Over IP Access Networks/ Applications Grp Rm 2B-121, 600 Mountain Av, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 http://its.lucent.com/~tla (Lucent internal) http://www.gti.net/tla
participants (2)
Maureen Stillman
Terry L Anderson