Re: Recommendations from the FS-VDSL Focus Group

*** Forwarded to WP2/16 members. I have failed to take this up *** *** at the San Jose meeting - Sakae OKUBO (WP2/16 chairman) *** At 10:51 +0000 03/02/12, John Magill wrote:
During your Rapporteur meetings this week, I would be grateful if you would remind the WP2 delegates present of the new SG16 work on Recommendations for Full Service VDSL. These are: H.fsv-arch - Full Service VDSL - service architecture and CPE H.fsv-oamp - Full Service VDSL - Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning. It is intended that these Recommendations will be proposed for Consent at the May 2003 meeting of SG16, and they will be discussed at the Focus Group meeting and potential Rapporteur meetings (subject to interest) in Toronto 4-6 March.
The latest drafts are available at the ftp site: For information on how to get access to the ftp site and subscribe to the email reflector, see:
The Associate Rapporteurs for this work are: Associate Rapporteur for architecture Recommendation (Q.B) - Stephane Py <> Associate Rapporteur for OAM&P Recommendation (Q.C) - Peter Adams <>
Comments or questions on the drafts should be sent to the Associate Rapporteurs, or to the reflector <>.
I am also happy to take comments and general questions.
Thanks for your help. I hope you are having a productive meeting.
Best regards
----------------------------------------------------- John Magill Tel: +44 1666 510105 Fax: +44 8700 527645 Email: -----------------------------------------------------
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