[itu-sg16] FW: ITU ICT Innovation Application Challenge

Dear all FYI Simão From: Mauree, Venkatesen Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 6:42 AM To: TSB SGC (Distribution List) Subject: ITU ICT Innovation Application Challenge Dear Sir/ Madam, A cash prize of USD 5,000 is offered to the winner of a new ITU Application Challenge seeking to uncover apps extending the reach of mobile health, mobile money, e-learning, e-government and intelligent transport systems. The ICT Innovation Application Challenge<http://www.itu.int/go/challenges/ictinnovation> aims to promote sustainable, equitable economic growth in emerging economies by unearthing apps targeting the social and economic inclusion of traditionally underserved communities. Coordinated by the Focus Group on Bridging the Gap: from Innovation to Standards<http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/innovation/Pages/default.aspx> (FG Innovation), the Challenge was launched during an "ICT Innovations" side event of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12) in Dubai, UAE on 22 November 2012. FG Innovation investigates the reciprocal relationship between innovation and standardization with a particular focus on emerging markets. App developers are invited to submit an working application accompanied by a concept paper detailing the app's design and conceptual design. Apps should take full advantage of mobile phones, mobile Internet access and social media tools to improve the transparency of government or increase access to healthcare, financial services, education or transportation. The winning individual/SME will receive a cash prize of USD 5,000 courtesy of Nokia Siemens Networks and a one-year, worldwide right to the use of the Challenge's logo in any material promoting the app. The winning corporation/public sector organization will receive an award certificate and a similar one-year, worldwide right to the use of the Challenge's logo in any of the app's promotional material. The results of the Challenge will be announced at an ITU celebration of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, 17 May 2013, where the winners will be invited to showcase their apps to a global audience of top-level decision makers from the public and private sector. The closing date for the registration for the Application Challenge is 22 January 2013 and the deadline for submission of the application and concept paper is 12 March 2013. More information and detailed Challenge rules: http://www.itu.int/go/challenges/ictinnovation. For more information please contact the ICT Innovation Application Challenge secretariat at ictinnovation@itu.int<mailto:ictinnovation@itu.int> Best regards
participants (1)
Campos, Simao