Meeting of Q.1 during SG16

Dear Experts, Just a short message to let you know that Q.1 is planning to meet as a question in 2 half day sessions and likely in a joint Q.2, 3, G session during the upcoming SG16 meeting (Feb. 5-15, 2002). The agenda and workplan will be published later by the WP2 Chairman, but here are some of the items that will be covered: - Recommendations for Consent: H.324 (revised), H.222.0 Corr. 2 (new) - Documents for Approval: H.320 series Implementor's Guide, T.120 series Implementor's Guide - Finalize H.320 harmonization with new H.263 Annex X - Progress the work on H.324 Annex Security - Review of the items relative to H.320, H.324, T.120, etc. If you need to communcicate with me before the meeting, please contact me at my ITU address (! I am looking forward to seing you in Geneva and wish you a happy holiday season! Best regards, Patrick Luthi Rapporteur (chairman) for the ITU-T multimedia systems, terminals and data-conferencing Experts group (Question 1/16)
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