[H.323 Mobility:] Status check & practical things

Hi folks, In this mail, I will try to summarize the current status of H.323 Annex H work as well as introduce some practical issues concerning our work before the Portland meeting. The Annex H draft outcome from the Osaka meeting can be seen in document TD-47. Also TD-28, which contains the explanation of the scopes of the three mobility related annexes as well as TD-56, which contains the meeting minutes of the ad hoc group meetings in Osaka are relevant to the Annex H work. I will produce a new draft of Annex H hopefully in a few days, containing most of the contents of TD-28 in the Introduction chapter (chapter 2). After this has been done, we can consider the document as the outcome of the Osaka meeting and as a baseline to be addressed in the MTD contributions. Work concerning the new service definitions chapter (chapter 5) was also started in Osaka by Mr. Korpi and Mr. Reddy. The original idea was to produce a TD in the Osaka meeting, but as time did not allow that, I anticipate that Mr. Korpi and Mr. Reddy will produce an MTD in the near future. The next issues I would like to focus on, are the rewriting of chapter 7 concerning the functional requirements as well as continuing the work on the information flows and the associated message contents. My feeling is that chapter 7 in its current form is actually quite poor and frankly quite confusing and thus needs to be rewritten properly. Then to the practical things concerning our work. As Mr. Paul Guram had to withdraw from the position of the unofficial chairman of the ad hoc group, it was decided that Mr. Korpi will take that position in the future meetings and teleconferences. I think I can speak on behalf of the whole ad hoc group when I thank Mr. Guram for doing such an excellent work as the chairman, you have been a great help for us. Because Mr. Korpi is travelling quite a lot, he did not feel that he should be allocating the MTD numbers, so I volunteered to do that. Thus, if (and hopefully when) you have a contribution for the interim work, please ask for an MTD number from me. I also propose that we will try to do more work by using the email reflector and have teleconferences only a few times before the Portland meeting. This is because my feeling is that we really have not had much success in progressing the work in the teleconferences. We will also agree the dates for the teleconferences in the reflector. I will also try to produce a new draft of the Annex H approximately twice per month (my vacation time excluded) so that you'll have something concrete to argue against or to support. Anyway, contributions are always very welcome and if the discussions in the reflector and teleconferences seem to be in agreement, the contents of the contributions will be added to the draft as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------ Jaakko Sundquist * +358 50 3598281 * Audere est Facere! jaakko.sundquist@nokia.com * ------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com
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Jaakko Sundquist