Mike/all, A couple of minor comments on the draft H.245v8 in GEN-009 for Brazil: 1) We've some concern that, given the complexity of the current (pre-v8) H.263 caps, a "new vendor" unfamiliar with the history of H.245 and H.263 will be tempted to signal _only_ the new Annex X/H.263 Generic Caps (H.263 profiles) instead of the existing H.263 caps that all current equipment use. If this happens, a video call will fall back all the way to H.261. To avoid this, I suggest adding the following as a "Note" to the H.263 generic cap in Table VIII.1/H.245: <begin text> Note - Use of this capability to signal H.263 "Profiles and Levels" per Annex X/H.263 should always be accompanied in parallel by the signaling of the same modes in H263VideoCapability. This is necessary to ensure that systems which do not recognize the H.263 generic capabilities continue to interwork with newer systems. <end text> I think this is an issue _only_ for H.245, and not for Annex X/H.263 in general, since any new use of H.263 (not involving H.245) will have no such backward-compatibility issue. 2) In the title for Table VIII.1/H.245, the words "capability" and "organizations" are misspelled. If you (as editor) and the list members agree, I suggest these be included in a "corrections" TD for Brazil. Regards, --Dave Lindbergh, PictureTel Corp. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Lindbergh Email: lindbergh@pictel.com PictureTel Corporation Voice: +1 978 292 4351 100 Minuteman Road, MS 713 Fax: +1 978 292 3328 Andover MA 01810 USA H.320 video by arrangement PGP fingerprint: C8 3E 28 69 53 0A 4B 87 EF E0 11 CD AC 87 4D CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com
participants (1)
Dave Lindbergh