Fwd: Q.21/16 session in Strasbourg
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Subject: [vceg] Q.21/16 session in Strasbourg Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:33:36 -0000 Thread-Topic: Q.21/16 session in Strasbourg Thread-Index: AcUbKdyhDCQM2jPPR9e8L20/roiAJwI0XJSgAS/cgfA= From: "Paul Barrett" <paul.barrett@psytechnics.com> To: <wp3audio@yahoogroups.com>, <t05sg16audio@itu.int>, <t05sg16wp3@itu.int>,<t05sg16q6@itu.int>, <vceg@mail.imtc.org> Cc: <pierre-andre.probst@ties.itu.int>, <bastien.lamer@francetelecom.com> X-pstn-levels: (S:99.90000/99.90000 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0232 C:98.7678 ) X-pstn-settings: 3 (1.0000:1.0000) s gt3 gt2 gt1 r p m c X-pstn-addresses: from <paul.barrett@psytechnics.com> [db-null] Reply-To: "Paul Barrett" <paul.barrett@psytechnics.com> X-Biglobe-VirusCheck: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:14:40 +0900
Dear Colleagues,
Sorry if you’ve already seen this once. You may be interested to know that there will now be a Q.21/16 session in Strasbourg in parallel to the WP3 questions.
Best regards, Paul.
Dear All,
in order to progress our discussion on "MM over NGN" and to further develop the baseline document as well as the draft Rec H.saarch, I have after consultation with SG16 management team, decided to hold an additional Q 21/16 meeting collocated with the WP3-Questions meeting in Strasbourg.
Since "MM over NGN" is of general interest for all questions in SG16, the meeting in Strasbourg will, in addition to progress the work in general, allow the experts of WP3 to express their views on the ongoing work under Q21/16.
Regarding the logistics, Question 21/16 will meet on Tuesday 5 April 2005 and on Wednesday 6 April 2005 at the same venue as the other WP3 questions. Please refer to TSB-Collective letter 1/16 and to the link on the SG16 website for more information. In particular, you are kindly requested to send the hotel registration form (Annex 4 to TSB-Collective letter 1/16) as soon as possible, since the number of rooms reserved in advance is limited.
The draft agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Draft Agenda for Q21/16 meeting, 5-6 April 2005, Strasbourg/France:
1. Opening (objectives of the meeting)
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Documentation
4. Review of the Status of the NGN-Work in ITU-T: 4.1 FG NGN 4.2 SG13 4.3 NGN-Workshop (Korea, 14-15 March 2005) 4.4 Next steps (After Release 1)
5. Review of input from other SDOs (e.g. ETSI, ATIS)
6. Review of the outcome of the Melbourne meeting on Q21/16
7. Discussion on new contributions
8. Further development of "MM over NGN" Baseline document
9. Further development of H.saarch
10. Future work in SG16
11. NGN Coordination with other SGs and other SDOs (e.g. IETF)
12. Miscellaneous
13. Closing
In order to organise the Q21/16 meeting, you are kindly requested to confirm your participation and to announce any contributions you would like to submit to the rapporteurs with a copy of your message to the management team of SG16. The deadline for submitting the contribution is Friday, 1st of April 2005.
Best regards
P.A.Probst SG 16 Chairman
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