Directory 9801_Gen at the ftp site
Dear SG16 colleagues, As suggested at the Sunriver meeting, I have created the subject directory at the GCL ftp site. This is for the moment to place white contributions for decision at the January 1998 meeting of SG16. Later other files will also be placed here such as input and output TDs. Currently the followings are available; H222AM34.doc,, Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) ******************************************************************** Graphics Communication Laboratories Phone: +81 3 5351 0181 6F ANNEX TOSHIN BLDG. Fax: +81 3 5351 0184 4-36-19 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo e-mail: 151 Japan ********************************************************************
participants (1)
Sakae Okubo