H.323 Mobility Conference Call

Hi, Everyone: Here is the detail of tomorrow's H.323 mobility conference call: Conference Call Information and Agenda Date: December 14,1999 Time: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM (Pacific Standard Time (PST)) Reservation # 13814047 Number port reserved: 30 Ports Conference Call Bridge call in number: +1 (212)-293-3602 Passcode: 1767395 We provide our sincere thanks to IMTC (Senthil Sengodan, Nokia, senthil.sengodan@nokia.com) for facilitating the conference call though providing ports. We also provide thanks to Paul K. Reddy of Intel for conducting the conference and taking notes. Note: All participating companies are welcome to submit Contributions (in addition to previous contributions), which Pertains to 6b, 6c and 7a. The contributions, which are not reviewed during last conference call will be automatically carried over to the December 14, 1999 conference call. Please send your requests for new MTD number for each new contribution you planned to submit for the December 14, 1999 conference to Mr. Paul K. Reddy at paul.k.reddy@intel.com. Once you are assigned with a MTD number, please forward the contribution to Mr. Paul K. Reddy to upload all your contributions as zipped files to the reflector at ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming/H.323_Mobility/ConfCall12141999 directory. Agenda: 1. Call to Order & Opening Remarks 2. Attendance Registration 3. Introduction and Numbering of Contributions: 4. Agenda Review and Approval: MTD-301 4a. Review H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc Meeting report: MTD-302 5. Correspondence to other standards groups TIPHON, IMTC, IMT-2000 ITU-T SG-11, 3GPP for correspondence 6. Old Business MTD-110 (already reviewed) 6a. review Carry over contributions 6b. H.323 Mobility Functional Entities (HLF, VLF, AuF, IWF):MTD-104, MTD-105, MTD-107, MTD-111, MTD-112 6c. H.323 Mobility Architecture: MTD-103, MTD-106 6d. 7. New Business 7a. H.323 Interworking with PLMNs (H.246 Annex E scope, Goal and work plan):MTD-109, MTD-108 8. Meeting Schedule 8a. Discuss next conference call meetings 9. Review Assignments 10. Review Workplan 11. Open Discussion 12. Adjourn ----------------------------------------------------------------------- December 8, 1999 Conference Call Meeting Summary 1. Call to Order & Opening Remarks Conference call started at 8:05 am, Monday, December 8, 1999 hosted by IMTC (International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium). 2. Attendance Registration See roster below. Introduction and Numbering of Contributions: Contributions which were upload and are available for review at: http://standards.pictel.com/ftp/avc-site/Incoming/H323_Mobility/ConfCall1214 1999 and http://standards.pictel.com/ftp/avc-site/9910_Red 3. Agenda Review and Approval Contribution MTD-201 (Agenda, was introduced by conference call chair) reviewed and accepted as modified (Assigned the AT&T new contribution MTD-111 to agenda item 6b) 4. Review H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc Meeting report: MTD-202 Contribution MTD-202 - Conference call chair introduced the last conference call report and reviewed and approved with no modifications. 5. Correspondence to other standards groups none 6. Old Business : MTD-110 none 6a. review Carryover contributions 6b. H.323 Mobility Functional Entities (HLF, VLF, AuF, IWF):- MTD-104, MTD-105, MTD-107, MTD-111 Contribution MTD-104: Nokia continued the introduction of the H.323 Annex H functional architecture and reference points document. · After much discussion on the new the interfaces between HLF, VLF, AuF and existing H.323 network, the group agreed that H.323 Mobility architecture figure 1 from Nokia's contribution shall be accepted with the following two additions to the figure and then added into H.323 Annex H baseline document. 1. Add new interface from Visiting network VLF to Home network HLF 2. Also, add the Gateway and show the appropriate interface in the H.323 Mobility architecture figure · Nokia introduced the rest of the contribution with scenarios as FYI at this point. · Nokia was given the assignment to update the Architecture figure and send it to the H.323 Annex H editor to include in the H.323 Annex H baseline document. Contribution MTD-111: was introduced by AT&T, which is related to the Architecture document. Which was discussed and accepted as information only. Contributions MTD-105: was introduced by Ericsson, the group asked Ericsson to modify and resubmit the document after showing the exact text changes to H.323 Annex H definition document. Contribution MTD-106 and MTD-107: Alcatel introduced the MTD-106 and MTD-107 together. Due to the lack of time during December 8,1999 conference call, Alcatel contributions will be carried over to next conference call. 6c. H.323 Mobility Architecture: MTD-103, MTD-106 Contributions MTD-103 is carried over to next conference call, which is scheduled on December 14,1999. 6d. 7. New Business 7a. H.323 Interworking with PLMNs (H.246 Annex E scope, terms of reference and work plan): MTD-109, MTD-108 Contributions MTD-108 and MTD-109 are carried over to next conference call, which is scheduled on December 14,1999. 8. Meeting Schedule 8a. Discuss next conference call meetings: H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc group agreed to have next conference call on December 14, 1999 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM (Pacific Standard Time (PST)) and IMTC to make arrangement for the conference call bridge. 9. Review Assignments None 10. Review Workplan None 11. Open Discussion None 12. Adjourn Conference call Meeting adjourned Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 10:10 AM (PST). Table 1: Contributions submitted and carried over from previous Conference Call for H.323 Mobility Conference Call on December 08, 1999 Previous MTD MTD Source Title MTDs in the Conf. Call, Dec., 08, 1999 201 Intel H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc Group Conference Call Agenda & Bridge information. 202 Intel H.323 Mobility Ad Hoc Group Nov., 29,1999 Conference call Report 5a 103 Motorola Integrating 3GPP's option-1 architecture into the H.323 wireless IP mobility system and a full migration from GPRS to a Multimedia IP network proposal 6 104 Nokia H.323 Annex H Functional Architecture and Reference Points 7 105 Ericsson "Definition of terms for H.323 Annex H". 8 106 Alcatel Integrating 3GPP's architecture into the H.323 wireless IP mobility system 9 107 Alcatel Clear Split of functions between Call Control and (radio) Access networks /Annex-H (User, Terminal and Service Mobility in H.323) 10a 108 Motorola IMT-2000 Global Roaming and Interworking Scenarios 13 109 Intel H.246 Annex E Goal and Workplan 03b 110 Motorola Updated H.323 Annex H document 111 AT&T H.323 Annex H Functional Architecture and Reference Points 112 AT&T Extension of H.323 Protocol for Mobility Table 2: Attendance Registration for H.323 Mobility Conference Calls Name Company Phone FAX E-Mail Paul K. Reddy Intel Corporation 503-264-9896 503-264-3375 paul.k.reddy@intel.com Vineet Kumar Intel Corporation 503-264-3439 503-264-3375 vineet.kumar@intel.com Jaakko Sundquist Nokia jaakko.sundquist@nokia.com Peeter Pruuden Nokia peeter.pruuden@nokia.com Senthil Sengodan Nokia senthil.sengodan@nokia.com Pekka Rissanen Nokia pekka.ja.rissanen@nokia.com Radhika R. Roy AT&T rrroy@att.com Marc Roelands Siemens marc.roelands@siemens.atea.be Edgar Martinez Motorola martinze@cig.mot.com Paul Guram Motorola lpg019@email.mot.com Milo Orsic Lucent Technology orsic@lucent.com Stephen Terrill Ericsson stephen.terrill@ericsson.com Gösta Linder Ericsson gosta.linder@lme.ericsson.se Anders Svennevik Ericsson Anders.Svennevik@era.ericsson.se Paul E. Jones Cisco +1 919-392-6948 +1 919-392 -6801 paul.jones@ties.itu.int Manjari Asawa Cisco masawa@cisco.com Barry Aronson Toshiba Corp. baronson@acm.org Laurent Thiebaut Alcatel +33 (0)1 3077 0645 laurent.thiebaut@alcatel.fr Nicolas Tran Alcatel Nicolas.Tran@alcatel.fr Ameneh Zahir-Emami Alcatel Ameneh.Zahir-Emami@alcatel.fr Note: Please check your information and email it to paul.k.reddy@intel.com with your phone numbers and any corrections Best regards, Radhika R. Roy, AT&T H.323 Ad Hoc Mobility Group +1 732 420 1580 rroy@att.com
participants (1)
Roy, Radhika R, ALARC