's message of Wed, 3 Sep 1997 10:48:47 +0200 <308240572791420003WIPLIEZ*/G=Christian/S=Wipliez/OU=lannion/PRMD=cnet/ADMD=ATLAS/C=FR/@MHS> Subject: Overhead projector BCC: okubo Dear Mr. Wipliez,
For the Sun River meeting, I will bring slides of the CNET contribution. Is it OK for presenting these slides with a projector?
Assuming you mean an overhead projector (not 35mm slide projector), I have received the meeting host's confirmation that the meeting room is equipped with it. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) ******************************************************************** Graphics Communication Laboratories Phone: +81 3 5351 0181 6F ANNEX TOSHIN BLDG. Fax: +81 3 5351 0184 4-36-19 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo e-mail: okubo@gctech.co.jp 151 Japan ********************************************************************
participants (1)
Sakae Okubo