Dear experts, Please note that Last Call for the draft Recommendations consented at the closing plenary of SG16 on 5 August has just started with deadline of 12 September 2005. For further details, please visit: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com16/aap/index.html -- Best regards, OKUBO Sakae, Co-Chair of WP2/16 e-mail: sokubo@waseda.jp Visiting Professor Graduate School of Science and Engineering Waseda University ****************************************************************** Waseda University, YRP Ichibankan 312 Tel: +81 46 847 5406 3-4 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken Fax: +81 46 847 5413 239-0847 Japan H.323 videoconferencing: arranged by advice ******************************************************************
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