[SUSPECT ATTACHMENT] 8. H.248.1: Value of Statistics at a Termination Level; Re: H.248.1 Editing

Hi Christian et al., I concur with Christian's proposals. I know I'm behind week 4, but when looking at the nt statistics, I'm again not sure whether the additions for item 8 are sufficient. Current proposal: "The value of a Statistic at a Termination level is the sum of the values as if it had been placed on all the streams in the termination." Discussion: The statistic on Termination level is superior concerning the Stream level statistics. Thus, there needs to be a "superior function" for the Termination statistic. Crucial: such a function is "statistic type" dependent. "sum" is an example for a "superior function", "average" another one (e.g., applicable for some time-based statistics like "delay" or "delay variation"). Generally there are two possibilities here: (1) Statistic was initially defined for "Streams", afterwards a meaningful "superior statistic" for "Terminations" is demanded. or (2) Statistic was initially defined for "Terminations", afterwards an adaption for "Streams" is demanded. The 2nd case seems to be straighforward, the first case is our issue here. New proposal: "The value of a Statistic at a Termination level is the result of a meaningful superior function (like for instance sum or average)of the values as if it had been placed on all the streams in the termination. Such a superior function is dependent of the particular statistic type." Comments? Regards Albrecht Christian Groves <christian.groves@ER To: SG16 <itu-sg16@external.cisco.com> ICSSON.COM> cc: Kevin Boyle <kboyle@nortel.com> Subject: [SUSPECT ATTACHMENT] H.248.1 Editing Meeting Week 4 comments 17.06.2005 06:05 Hello Kevin, all, Please find attached my comments for week 4 of the editing meeting. Rather than a marked up document its in the form of an IG update. I have attempted to capture items that have been discussed on the Megaco list or have been mentioned in Tispan. I'm not sure whether all the items fall into the realm of editorial only but none of the items add new functionality. I intend on presenting this DC (with any new raised issues) to the July meeting. Of interest to the Week 4 ABNF are items 1,2 and 3. Comments? Regards, Christian ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENT ABOVE THIS LINE IS *NOT* FROM CISCO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This message has an attachment that could contain executable code. Please review the attachment carefully to ensure you do not inadvertently execute embedded programs that could contain viruses. 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