Draft WP2 workplna for Jan-Feb meeting

/// Attachment has been replaced with the text version. Thank you /// /// Meesrs. Kawahara and Haskell for your advice. /// Dear Q.12-14/16 experts, Attached please find Mr. Tosco's initial draft of the coming WP2/16 meeting starting 26 January 1998. Mr. DeGrasse kindly converted Mr. Tosco's fax message into a Word document to which I added the topics of joint sessions as notes. This plan will be finalized after reflecting Rapporteurs' comments and negotiating with WP1 and WP3. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) ******************************************************************** Graphics Communication Laboratories Phone: +81 3 5351 0181 6F ANNEX TOSHIN BLDG. Fax: +81 3 5351 0184 4-36-19 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo e-mail: okubo@gctech.co.jp 151 Japan ******************************************************************** DRAFT MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE WP2/16 MEETING Date AM Schedule PM Schedule 26 - Mon SG16 Plenary WP2 Plenary 27 - Tue Q11, Q12, Q13 SG 16 Plenary 28 - Wed Q3, Q11, Q12, Q13 Q3, Q11, Q12, Q13 29 - Thr Q1, Q3, Q11, Q1, Q3, Q11, (Q12,13,14)#1 (Q12,13,14)#1 30 - Fri Q1, Q11, Q1, (Q3,12,13,14)#3 ! Q1, * (Q3,12,13,14)#2 ! (Q11,12,13)#4 2 - Mon Q1, Q3, Q1, Q3, ! Q1, Q3, * (Q11,12,13,14)#5 (Q11,12,13,14,15)#6 !(Q11,15)#7 3 - Tue Q2, Q11, Q12, Q14 Empty 4 - Wed WP2 Plenary WP2 Plenary 5 - Thr empty SG16 Plenary 6 - Fri SG16 Plenary SG16 Plenary Notes: *30 Fri and 2 Mon have split PM Schedules. (Qxx, Qyy) - Questions in parentheses meet in joint session. #1 - H.235V2, H.MediaMIB, T.130/H.AVC #2 - T.120 series Audio/Video requirements #3 - T.120 security, first 1/4 day in the afternoon #4 - Discussion of future directions, last 1/4 day in the afternoon #5 - Conference control, H.245V4, H.246 addition and other common protocols #6 - Video issues, first 1/4 day in the afternoon #7 - Future direction of advance video as it relates to H.324L, last 1/4 day in the afternoon
participants (1)
Sakae Okubo