Hi Paul, It is not there now. Has it been moved elsewhere ? Boaz "Paul E. Jones" <paul.jones@TIES.ITU.INT> on 10/03/99 04:21:08 PM Please respond to Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com> To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com cc: (bcc: Boaz Michaely) Subject: H.323v3 Final Text Posted Folks, I posted the final text of H.323v3 here: ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming/H323v3.zip This document should represent the combination of the white paper contribution, D.314, and two temporary documents submitted at the meeting to make corrections discussed and approved during the Berlin meeting. Please keep in mind that this is not the final text published by the ITU, so it has no official standing. There may still be strictly editorial corrections that may be applied before the final publication of this document. If you see such errors, please forward them to me. If you find technical errors, please notify me of that, as well, so that we can take steps to correct the problem. Best Regards, Paul

Dear Mr. Michaely,
It is not there now. Has it been moved elsewhere ?
It has been moved to the following place: ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/9909_Gen/H323v3.zip or http://standard.pictel.com/ftp/avc-site/9909_Gen/H323v3.zip Please note that /Incoming is a temporary storage place, all the files there are moved to directories according to the meeting date & place. Please also note that there is an index file like 9909_Gen.txt in each directory which assists you to find a file. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: okubo@giti.or.jp ***********************************************************

Boaz, Yes, it has been moved to the 9909_Gen directory and is named "H323v3_decided_990930.zip". Best Regards, Paul ----- Original Message ----- From: Boaz Michaely <Boaz_Michaely@VOCALTEC.COM> To: <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com> Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 4:06 PM Subject: Re: H.323v3 Final Text Posted
Hi Paul, It is not there now. Has it been moved elsewhere ? Boaz
"Paul E. Jones" <paul.jones@TIES.ITU.INT> on 10/03/99 04:21:08 PM
Please respond to Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com>
To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com cc: (bcc: Boaz Michaely) Subject: H.323v3 Final Text Posted
I posted the final text of H.323v3 here:
This document should represent the combination of the white paper contribution, D.314, and two temporary documents submitted at the meeting to make corrections discussed and approved during the Berlin meeting.
Please keep in mind that this is not the final text published by the ITU, so it has no official standing. There may still be strictly editorial corrections that may be applied before the final publication of this document. If you see such errors, please forward them to me. If you find technical errors, please notify me of that, as well, so that we can take steps to correct the problem.
Best Regards, Paul
participants (3)
Boaz Michaely
Paul E. Jones