************************************************ First Call For Papers --------------------- ACIVS'2001 3rd International Conference on ADVANCED CONCEPTS FOR INTELLIGENT VISION SYSTEMS Theory and Applications Baden-Baden (Germany) July 30 - August 3, 2001 (in conjunction with the 13th Int. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics) ************************************************ * CONFERENCE SCOPE ACIVS'2001 is the third of a series of conferences focusing on techniques for building adaptive, intelligent, safe and secure imaging systems. Papers are sollicited in the areas of image processing, pattern recognition, compression and algorithm assessment. Topics include (but are not limited to): - Image Processing (adaptive filtering and image restoration, adaptive segmentation, model-based algorithms, learning and nonlinear optimization, recurrent networks, multiresolution and scale-space theory, fractals and multifractals). - Pattern Recognition (statistical and structural pattern recognition, robust matching and parsing algorithms, application of automata and grammars). - Image and Video Compression Algorithms (wavelets, vector quantization, fractals, hybrid techniques, semantic image compression, watermarking). - Image Quality and Algorithmic Performance Evaluation (empirical evaluation techniques, image and video quality metrics [objective and perceptually based metrics], methods [ROC curves, etc.] and professional applications [medical, military, etc.]). * PROGRAM COMMITTEE Scott Acton, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. Sos S. Agaian, University of Texas, San Antonio, USA. Mauro Barni, Universita' di Siena, Italy. Jacques Blanc-Talon, CTA, Arcueil, France. Philippe Bolon, LAMII, University of Savoie, Annecy, France. Don Bone, Mediaware Solutions, Canberra, Australia. Adam Borkowski, IFTP, Warsaw, Poland. Nikolaos Bourbakis, SUNY, Binghamton, USA. Horst Bunke, IAM, Bern, Switzerland. Jennifer Davidson, Iowa State University, Ames, USA. Edward J. Delp, Purdue University, USA. Georgy Gimel'Farb, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Daniele Giusto, University of Cagliari, Italy. Haomin Jin, University of Tokyo, Japan. Itsuo Kumazawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Hideo Kuroda, Nagasaki University, Japan. Bruce Litow, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. Hitoshi Maekawa, Saitama University, Japan. Anamitra Makur, Indian Institute of Science, India. Masoud Mohammadian, University of Canberra, Australia. Wojciech S. Mokrzycki, IPIPAN, Warsaw, Poland. Annick Montanvert, UPMF, Grenoble, France. Naoya Ohta, Gunma University, Kiryu, Japan. Andrew P. Paplinski, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Marcin Paprzycki, University of Southern Mississippi, USA. Fernando Pereira, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal. Sylvie Philip, ENSEA, Cergy, France. Wilfried Philips, Vakgroep TELIN, Gent, Belgium. Moshe Porat, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Technion, Israel. Dan Popescu, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. Georges Stamon, IARFA, Paris VI University, France. Wojciech Szpankowski, Purdue University, USA. Frederic Truchetet, Le2i, Le Creusot, France. Juan Jose Villanueva, CVC Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. * IMPORTANT DATES Expression of interest: December 22, 2000 Tutorials proposal: December 22, 2000 Notification of tutorials acceptance: January 26, 2001 Deadline for paper submission: March 16, 2001 Notification of paper acceptance: May 4, 2001 Camera-ready manuscripts: June 1, 2001 Conference date: July 30/August 4, 2001 * EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Any person who intends to participate is invited to fill and send a reply card available at: http://www.etca.fr/CTA/ACIVS01 * CONFERENCE WEB SERVER Information about the conference can be found at: http://www.etca.fr/CTA/ACIVS01 * TUTORIAL SUBMISSION Tutorials are sollicited on the following topics: - adaptive segmentation - pattern recognition - video compression - watermarking - algorithmic performance evaluation * PAPER SUBMISSION AND REVIEW PROCESS All submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the International Programme Committee; additional reviewers may be consulted if needed. The papers have to provide sufficient information about the background to the problem, clearly indicate the original contribution, evaluate the results, draw conclusions and provide adequate references. Full regular papers are 5 pages long (including figures) in times 11pt, A4. There will be an extra cost for any additional page. We strongly recommend the use of LaTex format; the style macros will be available soon at the conference web server (see above). Word documents or other formats are also accepted, but only accompanied by the corresponding PostScript files. Make sure that PS files are kept within reasonable limits. The papers can be sent by e-mail to either member of the steering committee. * PROCEEDINGS All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Selected papers will be considered for publication in a book series. * STEERING COMMITTEE Dr Jacques Blanc-Talon Dr Dan Popescu Geographie-Imagerie-Perception Mathematical and Information Science CTA/GIP CMIS/CSIRO 16 bis, Av. Prieur de la cote d'or, GPO Box 664 94114, Arcueil, FRANCE Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Jacques.Blanc-Talon@etca.fr Dan.Popescu@cmis.csiro.au ------------------------------------------------------------ Prof. Dr. D.D.Giusto ------------------------------------------------------------ e-mail: ddgiusto@unica.it - ddgiusto@ieee.org url: http://www.diee.unica.it/~pytheas ph: +39-070-675-5896/5866 - fax: +39-070-675-5900 mobile: +39-348-8757022 (RAM_CNIT: 302) mail: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Cagliari, Piazza d'Armi, Cagliari 09123 Italy ------------------------------------------------------------ Die Strassen teilen sich auf, wie die Spitzen eines Sternes, Und jede ist der Heimweg. (H.Hesse) ------------------------------------------------------------
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