Dear Pete, I just went to the Picturetel ftp site. I noticed that APC-1403 was not there. Can you go and and check? Thanks... An Nguyen
-----Original Message----- From: Pete Cordell [SMTP:pete.cordell@BT-SYS.BT.CO.UK] Sent: Thursday, June 04, 1998 9:03 AM To: Subject: Upload of BT APCs 1401, 1402, 1403 and 1418
Dear Mr. Okubo and SG16 members,
The following APC contributions have been up-loaded to the PictureTel Incoming directory:
1401 BT H.225 support for International Private Networks 1402 BT An object oriented approach for H.245 extensions 1403 BT An extensible structure for Inter-gatekeeper/gateway communication 1418 BT URLs for H.323
Pete Cordell ================================= Pete Cordell BT Labs E-Mail: Tel: +44 1473 646436 Fax: +44 1473 645499 =================================
participants (1)
Nguyen, An