Joon, Telogy would like to join this effort. Regards, Roy Roy Spitzer Telogy Networks, Inc. Phone: (301) 515-6531 20250 Century Blvd. Fax: (301) 515-7954 Germantown, MD 20874 Email: -----Original Message----- From: Joon Maeng [mailto:Joon_Maeng@VTEL.COM] Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 11:40 AM To: Subject: H.323/VoIP QoS Greetings! My name is Joon Maeng. I work for VTEL Corp in USA. I've talked to several companies while I was attending ITU and IETF meetings about establishing an ad-hoc group to address QoS (Quality of Service) issues in TRANSPORTING REAL-TIME TRAFFICS in the packet switched network, especially in the IP network. I was very encouraged by responses from those companies. Most of them agreed that lack of QoS support for real-time traffics was one of major barriers in deploying H.323/VoIP products and the H.323 industry would benefit by having a QoS activity group. I would like to ask if your company would be interested in the activities described in the following: Proposed name of the group: H.323/VoIP QoS Activity Group. Motivation: ITU defined a good conference standard, H.323, for the packet network. IETF is actively defining QoS standards for the IP network. The deployment of H.323/VoIP products has been slow partially due to lack of QoS supports in current IP network. The H.323/VoIP industry shall work together to access the issues and provide solutions for the users. Proposed charter of the group: - Assess QoS issues in transporting real-time traffics (calls with long-duration compared to web-access) in the IP network, - Find the solutions to resolve issues, - Execute solutions via various processes such as building consensus on various QoS solutions among participants, submitting recommendations to standardization bodies if needed, and facilitating inter-operablity testing between QoS standards and application standards, - and education, promotion, etc. I would expect the final charter and the structure of the group will be determined by the participants and their interests. I would say that everything is open at this time except that the industry shall look at the QoS issues seriously for real-time traffics. I'd like to clarify that the proposed group is not a group to standardize the QoS. It is a group or a forum that is interested in helping and promoting the real-time QoS for H.323/VoIP industry through various methods (to be determined). I plan to set up an email reflector for the initial discussions among participants and decide the following steps based on the discussions. Please email me (joon_maeng@ if you and your company would be interested in joining the initial talks via email reflector. Your comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Joon
participants (1)
Roy Spitzer