H.323 Mobility: Editor's comments

Dear Mobile Ad-hoc group: Radhika Roy will send out the final meeting minutes, this is only input to the minutes. If anyone else wants to add to the minutes please post and copy Radhika Roy. Mobile ad-hoc group meeting Dec. 14, 1999 The companies represented in this meeting where: Motorola, Lucent, Intel, Alcatel, AT&T, Ericsson, Siemens On the status of the join MTD-3 contribution, Title "Annex-H (User, Terminal and Service Mobility in H.323)" at this time MTD-3 is up to version MTD-3b which was last reviewed in the conference call of Nov. 17, 1999. MTD-3 (final version) will be a join contribution that will be presented in SG 16 and its Working Parties in Switzerland [Geneva] meeting from February 7 to 18. The status of this document is not the official H.323 Annex-H document but, a join H.323 mobile ad-hoc group contribution for H.323 Annex-H. It was recommended by Lucent that the cover page for MTD-3 mention the fact that MTD-3 this is a join contribution from the mobile ad-hoc group, to be considered for input to the official H.323 Annex-H. MTD-03 will be updated on the receive of Nokia's agreed Ad-hoc architecture diagram on the Dec.8, conference call meeting. The diagram and contents will be posted to give the Ad-hoc group and other H.323 mobile and other interested parties, time to do a final review before the next meeting in Jan. 10, 1999. Note: I did not attend the Dec. 8 meeting. ---- For the next two meetings I will be taking the contributions and will re-number the documents to the original numbering scheme and add the versions (e.g. MTD-00, MTD-00a...MTD-00z) and just carry the MTD's over to the next meeting. The reason is that the documents are being missed numbered from one meeting to another. Also, I find no good reason to change the number of the MTD, if the document has not changed, then why give it a new number. It is also confusing to other Ad-hoc members. ---- Only two contributions where review MTD-106 and MTD-107b by Alcatel. MTD-106 gave a high level of 3GPP mobility and the presenter focus on section 3.9 Mobility Management procedures. To make a point that 3GPP that supports two registrations bearer and application level registrations . The proposal was that H.323 mobility support two registrations one called bearer level registration (e.g. GPRS attach) and, if so specified/allowed by the Mobile Set, MS subscription profile, an application level registration. MTD-107b AT&T and Alcatel started to review the contribution word by word to see what could be included in the join mobile ad-hoc contribution MTD-3 for February's full SG-16 meeting. Time ran out no resolution on what could be added or taken out of MTD-3. --- The next two meetings are for January 10 and 17 the time, date and agenda will be posted. You may sent the contribution to me at my email, I will download then for you and provide a MTD# if needed. Please advise me if your contribution which was put in the first conference call was not reviewed, so we can get to it before the last meeting on January 17. Best Regards, -- Edgar Martinez - Principal Staff Engineer Email mailto:martinze@cig.mot.com FAX 1-847-632-3145 - - Voice 1-847-632-5278 1501 West Shure Drive, Arlington Hgts. IL 60004 Public: TIPHON & Other Stds - http://people.itu.int/~emartine/ Private:TIPHON & Other Stds - http://www.cig.mot.com/~martinze/
participants (1)
Edgar Martinez [1]