Re: [H.323-SIP/Internet] The reason.

Dear Colleagues, I was present at the SG16 meeting, and have also read now carefully the meeting report. There is really at this point in time in the ITU no new "workitem" or "question" open for this work. Certainly this might change if based on contributions SG16 decides so. You might, however, be interested that in the IMTC a lot of very similar work is already being done. Have a view of the program of the aHIT! Working Group (chaired by Ayse Dilber ( of AT&T), described below. I am sure Ayse will be more than happy to see more active co-workers pushing the work of aHIT! ahead. The aHIT! program was approved within the IMTC in November 1999, and now it is running full speed. Kind regards, Istvan sebestyen aHIT! AG's Objectives: - Identify VoIP and Multimedia Applications (i.e., VoIP, FoIP, Conferencing, Instant Messaging, etc.) which will enable service providers to implement end-to-end services; - Identify Interworking Scenarios (i.e., between H.323 and SIP/H.248-MEGACO/cable/etc.) to achieve interworking between different protocols to support multi-vendor and multi-service provider environments; - Develop technical interoperability documents per application and per scenario to guide service providers and vendors to implement seamless, secure, global VoIP and Multimedia Applications; - Encourage, define and participate in global VoIP and Multimedia applications trials between member service providers and vendors - Provide a forum for open technical exchange; - Support, promote and participate in IMTC/ETSI testing events. aHIT! AG Work Plan: 1) Define technical lower layer communications capabilities and protocols for each application. 2) Work on interworking between H.323 and SIP/NCS/H.248-MEGACO. 3) Introduce the value-added functionalities and enhanced services. 4) Develop and publish technical interoperability documents per application/scenario starting from 2Q00. aHIT! AG will address the following issues for each application,: Performance/QoS Reliability Naming/Numbering/Addressing Settlements/Billing Fax Support OAM&P Support Number Portability Interworking Issues(i.e.,H.323/SIP/MEGACO/NCS and CCS/PSTN) Enhanced Services (i.e., roaming) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Istvan Sebestyen Siemens AG, ICN M CS27, Hofmannstr. 51 D-81359 Munich Tel:+49-89-722-47230 Fax:+49-89-722-47713 E-Mail office:; E-mail private:; Siemens Intranet: Siemens FTP: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
---------- From: Roy, Radhika R, ALARC[SMTP:rrroy@ATT.COM] Reply To: Mailing list for parties associated with ITU-T Study Group 16 Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 1:58 PM To: Subject: Re: [H.323-SIP/Internet] The reason.
Hi, Everyone:
I am in full agreement with Orit. I guess that this has also been the case for many people who had been present in the SG16 meeting.
More importantly, when I talked to Glen, he clearly indicated that we should bring contributions to get the work started. The interworking between H.323 and SIP may belong Q.14 (although it has to be discussed jointly with Q.13 and Q.14).
There has been a very strong interest for the work of H.323-SIP Interworking. A large number of people throughout the world (starting from the ITU-T and IETF) is contacting me.
The primary goal of the standard bodies is to provide "INTEROPERABILITY."
Best regards, Radhika R. Roy AT&T +1 732 420 1580
participants (1)
Sebestyen Istvan ICN M CS 27