Dear Mr. Taylor, Mr. Roy and all, The following APC numbers have been allocated to your contributions: APC-1924 Editor (T Taylor) Draft H.248 Annex M: Advanced Audio Server Packages APC-1925 Megaco Chair (T Taylor) IETF Megaco Comments On H.248 Annexes F, G, and H APC-1926 AT&T H.323 Intra-Zone Mobility Management using AuF and HLF Please find attached an updated list of contributions registered for the Portland meeting. Please note that APC-1781 (from Osaka) has been dropped as APC-1879 supercedes it. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 (to be transferred) +81 3 3204 8194 (direct) Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: *********************************************************** Contributions for the Q12-14/16 Rapporteur meeting in Portland (21 -25 August 2000) ------< carried over from the Osaka meeting >------ APC-1765 AT&T Scope of H.323 QOS APC-1766 AT&T Requirements of H.323 QOS APC-1767 AT&T Architecture of H.323 QOS APC-1768 AT&T Specification of H.323 QOS Characteristics APC-1796 Editor (M Fortinsky) H.225.0 Annex G version1 - with corrections APC-1845 BT Applying the Extensible Package Framework to Annex G ------< registration for the Portland meeting >------ APC-1872 Q22/11 Liaison to SG16 On Interaction Between Intelligent Network Systems and H.248 APC-1873 Q22/11 Liaison to SG16 On Interworking Between H.323 Systems and Intelligent Network Systems APC-1874 Editor (P Jones) Draft H.323 version 4 APC-1875 Editor (P Jones) H.323-series Implementers Guide APC-1876 Editor (K Klaghofer) Draft Call Offer Supplementary Service for H.323 APC-1877 Editor (K Klaghofer) Draft Call Intrusion Supplementary Service for H.323 APC-1878 Editor (T Anderson) Draft H.323 Annex R (Robustness) APC-1879 Lucent Technologies Reference Points for the Use of Annex G APC-1880 Editor (F Audet) H.323 Annex M.1 "Tunnelling of signalling protocols (QSIG) in H.323" APC-1881 Nortel Networks Enforcing symmetric operation in the context of slow start for H.323v4 APC-1882 Nortel Networks Minor correction to H.323 Annex M.1 APC-1883 Columbia University CPL: A Language for User Control of Internet Telephony Services APC-1884 SONUS Decomposition of Gatekeeper Functions inside a Domain APC-1885 Hughes Software Systems { to suggest amendments in the H.323 standard } APC-1886 Columbia University RFC-2824: Call Processing Language Framework and Requirements APC-1887 Siemens AG H.450.12 - Common Information Additional Network Feature for H.323 APC-1888 Siemens AG M.3 - Tunneling of DSS1 in H.323 APC-1889 Q4/8 Voice/fax switching in draft H.323 Annex D v2 APC-1890 Q4/8 Facsimile related work on draft H.248 Annex F APC-1891 Q4/8 Draft T.38 Appendix V H.248 Call Establishment Procedure Examples APC-1892 Q4/8 Proposed Edits to H.248 Annex F APC-1893 PictureTel Proposed H.242/H.245 text for dynamicPictureResizingByFour APC-1894 ALCATEL Modification to H.323 annex H APC-1895 ETSI TIPHON WG8 Liaison statement subject: "H.235 Hybrid Security Profile" APC-1896 BT Use of the Generic Framework during Registration and other RAS Messaging APC-1897 BT Additional Data Types for GenericData APC-1898 BT Clarification on the Handling of Unknown conferenceGoals APC-1899 Lucent Technologies Fast Channel Open for H.245 APC-1900 Editor (P Reddy) H.246 Annex E.1 Interworking between H.225.0 and PLMN's Mobile Application Parts APC-1901 Editor (P Reddy) H.246 Annex E.2 Interworking between H.225.0 and ANSI-41 PLMN Mobile Application Part APC-1902 Intel H.323 Mobility services using IETF's Mobile IP and new extended protocols APC-1903 Editor (M Fortinsky) H.225.0 Annex G version 2 - draft APC-1904 Avaya DES with Output Feedback for Audio Encryption in H.235v3 APC-1905 UCLA Draft text for "Generic Uneven Level Protection (ULP)" for Annex I of H.323 APC-1906 UCLA Simulation results of ULP for transmission over error prone channels APC-1907 Editor (M Euchner) New Draft H.235 Version 3 APC-1908 Editor (M Euchner) Resolution of an inconsistency in Draft H.235 Version 2 regarding the use of the initial value APC-1909 Editor (J Sundquist) H.323 Annex H Draft APC-1910 LM Ericsson Addition to Implementor's guide to H.248 APC-1911 LM Ericsson Change of Capabilities indicated in H.248 ServiceChange APC-1912 LM Ericsson H.248 Annex L - Error Code and Service Change Reason Description APC-1913 LM Ericsson Improved Auditing in H.248 Version 2 APC-1914 LM Ericsson Comments to H.248 Annex K APC-1915 Editor (P Jones) Fast Connect SDLs Issues APC-1916 Editor (P Jones) Corrections to the H.323v4 White Paper Contribution APC-1917 Cisco Systems JAIN APIs for Integrated Networks APC-1918 Cisco Systems Interworking with Different Versions of H.323 Entities APC-1919 Cisco Systems Comments on the Object Extensible Framework APC-1920 Cisco Systems Third Party Re-Routing of a Fast Connect Initiated Call APC-1921 Cisco Systems Early Termination of Fast Connect APC-1922 Trillium Digital Systems, VocalTec Communications Correction to the H.225.0 Annex G UsageSpecification APC-1923 Editor (J Segers) Errors and unclarities in Recommendation H.248 APC-1924 Editor (T Taylor) Draft H.248 Annex M: Advanced Audio Server Packages APC-1925 Megaco Chair (T Taylor) IETF Megaco Comments On H.248 Annexes F, G, and H APC-1926 AT&T H.323 Intra-Zone Mobility Management using AuF and HLF --------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to
participants (1)