Dear Sir or Madam, I try to be H.323 conform in the folowing: I want to support overlap sending within gatekeeper-routed calls. My session starts with a ARQ from enpoint_1 to GK without any destination alias. After receaving ACF endpoint_1 sends SETUP without any destination alias, but with canQverlapSend is TRUE. GK will answer with a SETUP ACKNOWLEDGE. Endpoint_1 will then send digit by digit of alias in destinationInfo field of ARQs. By each sending the total cumulative addressing information is transmitted in destinationInfo field. GK responds each time with an ARJ until recept full destination alias, in this case it answers with ACF. I hope I am right until now? Reading clause 8.1.12 of ITUs H.323 I thought endpoint_1 shall then send a SETUP message to GK? This will be the second SETUP, because enpoint_1 allready did. Can't GK send now a SETUP to endpoint_2 with the ip-address belonging to the destination alias put in the destCallSignalAddress field? I thank you much for an answer to solv my problem. Cincerely Christian Geng
participants (1)
Christian Geng