Meeting Announcement: ITU-T SG16 Q.2,3,4,5,21,22,24,25,29 Rapporteur meeting

To Experts of ITU-T SG16 Questions 2,3,4,5,21,22,24,25, and 29/16. Cc Mr. P-A. Probst, Chairman of SG16 <> Mr. Paul Barrett, Vice Chairman of SG16 <> Mr. Yushi Naito, Vice Chairman of SG16 <> Ms. Claude Lamblin, Vice Chairman of SG16 <> Mr. I. Sebestyen, Vice Chairman of SG16 <> Mr. S. Campos-Neto, ITU TSB <> Mr. P. Luthi, Rapporteur for Q.1/16 <> De P Jones Rapporteur for Q.2/16 <> C Groves Rapporteur for Q.3/16 <> S Okubo Rapporteur for Q.4/16 <> P Jones Rapporteur for Q.5/16 <> B Lamer Rapporteur for Q.21(B)/16 <> N Luo Rapporteur for Q.22(C)/16 <> S-H Jeong Rapporteur for Q.24(F)/16 <> M Euchner Rapporteur for Q.25(G)/16 <> L Lehmann Rapporteur for Q.29(K)/16 <> ------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Notice of Joint Rapporteur Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland Date: 30 September 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Experts of Questions 2,3,4,5,21,22,24,25, and 29/16, The subject meeting of ITU-T SG16 experts will be held at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Details of the meeting are contained herein. Please note that Q.1/16 will meet concurrently and we will have joint or serial sessions with the other Questions. 1. Date ^^^^^^^ 28 (Monday) November - 2 (Friday) December 2005 Meeting will start at 10:00 AM on the first day Closing around 18:00 on the final day 2. Venue ^^^^^^^^ International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Montbrillant building room K2 Place des Nations 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Phone: +41 22 730 6805 Fax: +41 22 730 5853 E-mail: Note: for badges please use the entrance of the Montbrillant building. No one will be admitted to the ITU facility without a valid badge. 3. Topics (tentative) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) Review of the relevant group activities 2) Q.2/16 Real-Time Audio, Video, and Data Communication over Packet-Switched Networks - Progress on the current work items in the work programme * H.323 Annex Gv2 * H.323 Annex I * H.dhcp * H.gaam * H.460.geo * H.presence - Discussion of miscellaneous and new work items - Coordination with other groups 3) Q.3/16 Multimedia Gateway Control Architectures and Protocols - Coordinate with other SDOs, Questions, or Study Groups - Progress work on current work items * H.248.1 v1 IG * H.248.19 Amendment 1 * H.248.23Corrigenda/Amendment 1 * H.248.BC * H.248.SDPSPEC * H.248.ADID * H.248.IPDC * H.248.DCME * H.248 Sub Series IG * H Series Supp 2 Release 8 * H Series Supp x BHCoA - Consider new material 4) Q.4/16 Advanced multimedia communication service features on top of the ITU-T defined multimedia system platforms - Progress on H.350.7 - Enhancements to H.350.x sub-series - Possible new service features 5) Q.5/16 Control of NAT and Firewall Traversal for H.300-Series Multimedia Systems - Progress on the current work items in the work programme (H.proxy, Technical Paper: NAT/FW framework) - Discussion of miscellaneous and new work items, which may include development of a framework document related to H.460.18 and H.460.19 - Coordination with other groups 6) Q.21/16 Multimedia Architecture - Progress on H.325 requirements - Progress on H.saarch 7) Q.22/16 Multimedia applications and services - Progress work on service scenarios and requirements - Study on system parameters from user requirements point of view 8) Q.24/16 Quality of Service and End-to-end Performance in Multimedia Systems - Progress work on H.mmqos, Annexes A, B, and C of H.mmqos, and H.trans.control - Discussion of miscellaneous and new work items 9) Q.25/16 Multimedia Security in Next-Generation Networks - Progress MM-NGN security - Progress F.FSIC, H.460.spn, H.mmqos security annex, study of anti-DDOS MM-issues 10) Q.29/16 Mobility for Multimedia Systems and Services - Service Mobility in context of MM architecture - Multimedia Service Model - Follow up workplan 11) Interaction with other groups 12) Future work plan 4. Documents ^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// Registration of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 18 November 2005 /// /// Distribution of the document: by 23:59 UTC, 21 November 2005 /// /// Use the ftp site (or e-mail reflector) for distribution /// 1) When you are going to submit a document, please notify Mr. Sakae Okubo <>, document manager of this meeting, as soon as possible, by 23:59 UTC, Friday 18 November 2005 at the latest. Document number AVD-nnnn will be allocated. Early indication of your submission plan is welcome and encouraged. Note - Prefix "AVD" comes from Audio, Video and Data. 2) You are advised to include a header as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Document AVD-{nnnn}| | Study Group 16 {Version m if relevant}| | 1,2,3,4,5,21,22,24,25, and 29/16 Rapporteur Meeting {Date}| | Geneva, 28 November - 2 December 2005 | | | | SOURCE*: { } | | TITLE : { } | | PURPOSE: {Proposal, Discussion, Information, Report, etc.} | | | | _________________________ | | | | | | | | *Contact: Name, e-mail | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: A template for the AVD document can be found at: <> This may be modified and used for the purpose of document submission at this meeting. 3) File format: Use of Word, PDF, ASCII or HTML is recommended. 4) All the contributors are requested to distribute their documents as early as possible, at least 7 calendar days in advance of the meeting (23:59 UTC, Monday 21 November 2005 or before) by posting them at either of the following: - Uploading via FTP Site: User ID: avguest Password: Avguest (Note the uppercase 'A') Directory: avc-site/Incoming - E-mail reflector E-mail address: To subscribe: Send e-mail to In the body of the message, put: subscribe itu-sg16 Please avoid the use of reflector when your document is voluminous (i.e., more than 100 kbytes). 5) Input documents can be retrieved from 0511_Gen directory of the ftp site once Mr. Okubo has an opportunity to put them into place. The documents will also be available through the following URLs: user: avguest, password:Avguest 6) The document distribution/presentation at the meeting will be all electronic. Participants must bring along a laptop, wireless LAN card and/or Ethernet card, in order to access the documents. (Internet access will be available in the meeting rooms). 5. Logistic Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The meeting will be hosted by ITU-TSB at the Montbrillant building of the ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Badges will be available in the registration desk at the entrance of the Montbrillant building to those that registered for the meeting. Following new security measures implemented in ITU in early August 2005, no one without a valid badge will be admitted into the facilities. 6. Registration and VISA Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To register your meeting attendance, please send e-mail to Seong-Ho Jeong <>, providing the family name, given name, company name, address, country name, phone number, fax number, e-mail address of person(s) attending. Every participant should use the registration form at: ra tion_form.doc. Early registration of your attendance is welcome and encouraged, but preferably before 18 November 2005 to facilitate the production of badges for all participants. People needing visa support letters (see below for requirements) should register as soon as possible. We would remind you that citizens of some countries are required to obtain a visa in order to enter and spend time in Switzerland. The visa must be requested and obtained from the office (embassy or consulate) representing Switzerland in your country or, if there is no such office in your country, from the one that is closest to the country of departure. If problems are encountered for ITU members, the ITU can, at the official request of the administration or company you represent, approach the competent Swiss authorities in order to facilitate delivery of the visa. Visa requests should be made by official letter from the administration or company you represent. This letter must specify your name and function, date of birth, passport number as well as the date of issue and expiry. The letter must be accompanied by a photocopy of your passport and completed registration form and must be sent to TSB, bearing the words "visa request", by fax (No.: +41 22 730 5853) or e-mail ( Please note that ITU needs at least one week to process all papers required for the delivery of a visa. For the ones needing this letter, TSB should receive a meeting registration form which can be found at: ra tion_form.doc. 7. Hotel Room Reservation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Participants should contact the hotels directly regarding room availability and for making room bookings. Hotels offering preferential room rates for participants of ITU meetings are found at: An appropriate hotel reservation form can be found at: re servation-form.doc. Please note that this hotel reservation form must be used in order to be able to get the special ITU rates. Note: the closest business-class hotel to the ITU buildings is the Intercontinental, and a more popular strategy is to obtain hotel accommodations downtown, e.g., near the Cornavin train & bus station (which is more centrally located than the ITU or the Intercontinental), from which buses run frequently to the vicinity of the ITU. Not all hotels are equipped with high-speed internet access, so you participants may want to check with the hotel for the availability of this service. We are looking forward to meeting with you in Geneva. Sincerely yours, Patrick LUTHI Paul JONES Christian GROVES Sakae OKUBO (document manager of this meeting) Bastien LAMER Noah LUO Seong-Ho JEONG (meeting organizer of this meeting) Martin EUCHNER Leo LEHMANN ----------
participants (1)
Seong-Ho Jeong