Re: [VideoPhone:828] [wg5-3: 1153] Bonding Manufacturers Code

Mr Holdrege's comment is partially correct: the original BONDING document had no status recognizable by ITU-T. However, ISO has specified BONDING in ISO/IEC 13871-x (corrections were made to the original ISO version of this document, so it exists for more than one value of "x"). I don't, unfortunately, have the answer to Mr Thom's question. Bob Webber PictureTel Corporation matt@ASCEND.COM on 05/01/98 10:37:46 AM Please respond to ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM cc: (bcc: Bob Webber) Subject: Re: [VideoPhone:828] [wg5-3: 1153] Bonding Manufacturers Code BONDing is not a standard. It's an old industry specification regaring syncing multiple bearer channels. MP or Multilink PPP is IETF RFC 1990 but there are no manufacturer codes for MP. BACP is a control protocol for adding/removing links for MP. At 10:57 PM 5/1/98 +0900, Yuichiro-Tuck-Takagawa wrote:
You means Bonding for ISDN? That is discussed by IETF:Internet Engineering Task Force. BACP:Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol is very common in ISDN Terminal Adaptors or ISDN Routers in Japan.
At 09:34 98/05/01 -0800, Gary A. Thom wrote:
Can any one point me to the person/organization that assigns manufacturer codes for the Bonding standards???
Thanks Gary ------------------------------------------------------ Name : Gary A. Thom Company: Delta Information Systems, Inc. Address: 300 Welsh Rd., Bldg 3 Horsham, PA 19044 USA Phone : +1-215-657-5270 Fax : +1-215-657-5273 E-mail : ------------------------------------------------------
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Matt Holdrege

Dear Mr. Webber, Thank you very much for your comments to APC-1372 (report of the Yokosuka meeting). I have updated it as APC-1372r1.doc which is availabe at /Incoming.
In 5.5.3, APC-1353 discussion, "border GK" is mistakenly spelled "boarder GK" (which would mean a GK living in one's home) throughout. This error is also found elsewhere in the text.
In the discussion of APC-1356 and APC-1366, "extend" is given as "extent".
Mr David Lindbergh's name is sometimes misspelled as "Lindberg".
The ISO BONDING document, ISO/IEC 13871, exists in at least two versions,both still available from ISO. Some care might be taken in specifying the version, since it appears that some important corrections might have been made between versions of the document.
An editor (IU (Js note has been inserted: {Editor (IU (Js note: ISO/IEC 13871 exists in at least two versions, both still available from ISO. Some care might be taken in specifying the version.}
In 6.2.4, could "We need an encapsulation scheme for H.281 to replace or adapt H.224 to TCP or UDP." be clarified by replacing with "We need an encapsulation scheme for H.281 to replace H.224 or adapt H.224 to TCP or UDP."?
Accepted. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO
participants (2)
Bob Webber